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Pete Burns has past away..

Posted: 24 Oct 2016, 22:34
by tomsk
The dead or alive singer.....
Rest in Peace ...

Re: Pete Burns has past away..

Posted: 24 Oct 2016, 23:47
by Icey
Yes, I only heard about it about 2 hours ago. RIP Pete.

Re: Pete Burns has past away..

Posted: 24 Oct 2016, 23:55
by tomsk
He ruined his looks with all those facial operations..Why Pete?

Re: Pete Burns has past away..

Posted: 24 Oct 2016, 23:58
by Icey
Anyone who has repeated facial surgery ends up looking monstrous, and Pete went too far. He was a good looking person in his youth. Goodness knows what possessed him to go so OTT. It almost seems like a form of self-harming.

Re: Pete Burns has past away..

Posted: 25 Oct 2016, 00:00
by tomsk
and he looked grotesque..horrible...
I have a female colleague who had a good old chinwag with him talking about make up..!

Re: Pete Burns has past away..

Posted: 25 Oct 2016, 00:20
by Icey
I bet he loved that! I've seen early pics of him with really good makeup on, and then later, when his lips were puffed up, he looked horrible.

Re: Pete Burns has past away..

Posted: 25 Oct 2016, 00:21
by tomsk
He must've been very insecure to go so far?

Re: Pete Burns has past away..

Posted: 25 Oct 2016, 00:34
by Icey
I reckon so, yes.

I could be wrong, but when people go to such extremes to change themselves, they have like body dysmorphia. They see themselves differently to how others see them, and keep searching for that "perfect" look.

Re: Pete Burns has past away..

Posted: 25 Oct 2016, 01:59
by tomsk
which is crackers..
I'm not particuarly happy with my Visage ,
I hate getting my photo taken ....the only time I use a mirror is to shave....
Pete ended up looking scary..

Re: Pete Burns has past away..

Posted: 25 Oct 2016, 02:12
by Icey
Yes, he looked hideous at the end, but it's all very sad isn't it?

I don't like having my photo taken either. I'm not photogenic and look better in person, but at the end of the day, I'm not too concerned with how people look. Some're gorgeous, some not so much, but that doesn't mean to say they're not fantastic people.

Re: Pete Burns has past away..

Posted: 25 Oct 2016, 02:56
by tomsk
You're wonderful..
:clap: :loveu: :cool: :nana: :thumbu: :cheer: :butt: :balloons: :banana: :bananacow: :dance1: :dance2: :happydance: :dizzy: :buttmoon: :pint: :winesmile: :shamrock: :shamrock: :bigben: :fishchip: :fishchip: :fishchip:

Re: Pete Burns has past away..

Posted: 25 Oct 2016, 03:02
by Icey
:lmao1: Oh LOOOOL!!! Look at that lot!

Re: Pete Burns has past away..

Posted: 25 Oct 2016, 04:06
by tomsk
read you later allligator...