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Dave Swarbrick

Posted: 05 Jun 2016, 14:47
by tomsk
Swarb has passed away ...God bless you Sir,
A fine fiddle player... :loveu:

Re: Dave Swarbrick

Posted: 05 Jun 2016, 22:33
by Icey
Yes, he was good. RIP Dave.

Re: Dave Swarbrick

Posted: 22 Jun 2016, 18:38
by tomsk
Not heard much of his stuff but intend to,
and Fairport convention and well loads really..
I'm a Shooters Hill Hillbilly Hippy these days..Yee haaa!

Re: Dave Swarbrick

Posted: 22 Jun 2016, 19:15
by Icey
You've turned into a hippy? Oh bless! :lol:

Re: Dave Swarbrick

Posted: 24 Jun 2016, 17:24
by tomsk
it was always in there somewhere Icey!

Re: Dave Swarbrick

Posted: 24 Jun 2016, 23:15
by Icey
Let it all out, man!

Re: Dave Swarbrick

Posted: 26 Jun 2016, 18:01
by tomsk

if you have to go'
a Bob Dylan cover..
you dig?

Re: Dave Swarbrick

Posted: 26 Jun 2016, 22:31
by Icey
I don't know T. I don't like Bob Dylan stuff, so I don't generally listen to it. That song above ..... well I DO quite like Fairport Convention, but not that particular one.

Oh how the times change, eh?

Re: Dave Swarbrick

Posted: 30 Jun 2016, 19:06
by tomsk
That's lovely Icey thank you very much..

Re: Dave Swarbrick

Posted: 01 Jul 2016, 23:46
by tomsk
that is such a great programme thanks again,
folk is more popular these days...

Re: Dave Swarbrick

Posted: 02 Jul 2016, 01:53
by Icey
I think it's always had its audience, but like anything which isn't mainstream, it tends to draw particular types of people to it. Thankfully, festivals now allow every kind of music to be heard in tents away from the main stages. Anyone can wander in, and they DO do. I think some're surprised by what they find themselves enjoying.

Re: Dave Swarbrick

Posted: 02 Jul 2016, 01:57
by tomsk
You are right Holmes,
I might make an appearance one day but don't hold your breath..
I must practice more,
there is some talent there...

Re: Dave Swarbrick

Posted: 02 Jul 2016, 02:23
by Icey
People who've never performed in front of an audience before can participate at places like Glasto, and because so many people go, everyone gets heard. You get folk just sitting there (not in the Glastonbury mud though!!) and then they'll pick up an acoustic guitar and start strumming away. Doesn't matter if no one knows what the tune is. There're always people who'll stop to listen.

Re: Dave Swarbrick

Posted: 02 Jul 2016, 02:25
by tomsk
in pity?

Re: Dave Swarbrick

Posted: 02 Jul 2016, 02:51
by Icey
No - they're usually too drunk to care what's actually being played! Music's music. : )

Re: Dave Swarbrick

Posted: 02 Jul 2016, 05:00
by tomsk
that must be horrible getting pissed at a festival..

Re: Dave Swarbrick

Posted: 02 Jul 2016, 22:05
by Icey
Actually - no. It's part and parcel of it for many people! Most people manage to get merry without being ill or creating any trouble.

Re: Dave Swarbrick

Posted: 02 Jul 2016, 22:29
by tomsk
I'd get a headache ....
No, need to keep a clear head..
The Fairports seem like decent people, there is much warmth and respect that comes across..

Re: Dave Swarbrick

Posted: 02 Jul 2016, 22:51
by Icey
I think you misjudge people, Archie. There are decent people at ALL musical gatherings, and some who aren't. You don't go to these things to try and decide who slots into a "good" lifestyle. In any case, Sandy Denny drank like a fish and took drugs.

Re: Dave Swarbrick

Posted: 03 Jul 2016, 05:29
by tomsk
I know..
Doh Icey!