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Re: Appetite for disaster...

Posted: 05 Aug 2016, 19:25
by tomsk
you can keep it 007!

Re: Appetite for disaster...

Posted: 05 Aug 2016, 23:33
by Icey
I think it was a valiant attempt, but Pavorotti came out tops.

Re: Appetite for disaster...

Posted: 06 Aug 2016, 23:40
by tomsk
he was a large man..

Re: Appetite for disaster...

Posted: 07 Aug 2016, 01:24
by Icey
He was, as many operas singers are.

Re: Appetite for disaster...

Posted: 07 Aug 2016, 02:16
by tomsk
you really are Mrs Curmudgeon this morning..

Re: Appetite for disaster...

Posted: 07 Aug 2016, 12:09
by Icey
What's the matter with you? You don't read me very well, do you?

Re: Appetite for disaster...

Posted: 07 Aug 2016, 21:57
by tomsk
i wrote that last comment at 3.15....
give me a break..

Re: Appetite for disaster...

Posted: 07 Aug 2016, 23:38
by Icey
Think before you type then, oh weary one. : )

Re: Appetite for disaster...

Posted: 08 Aug 2016, 00:04
by tomsk
don't get grumpy now..

Re: Appetite for disaster...

Posted: 08 Aug 2016, 00:24
by Icey
Nay, laddie. Me fine.

Re: Appetite for disaster...

Posted: 08 Aug 2016, 01:59
by tomsk
i hope you have a jolly good rest..

Re: Appetite for disaster...

Posted: 08 Aug 2016, 14:56
by Icey
I didn't get a lot actually. I had to get up, go to the bank to sort something out, make another appointment for Wednesday, go and try to find one or two things I wanted for my medicine cabinet, do this, do that, and then our eldest decided to ask "one or two" of his friends round, and a whole bunch of them descended! For dinner .........

Re: Appetite for disaster...

Posted: 13 Aug 2016, 00:20
by tomsk
you got your work cut out?
Where does that phrase come from..

Re: Appetite for disaster...

Posted: 13 Aug 2016, 00:42
by Icey
I don't know! Never thought about it before.

Re: Appetite for disaster...

Posted: 13 Aug 2016, 02:57
by tomsk
The Oxford English Dictionary’s entry suggests it was first recorded in the sense in which we now understand it only around the middle of the nineteenth century. The first appearance in the sense of “to have (at least) as much as one can handle” recorded in the OED is in A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, which was published in 1843. I’ve found some examples from the previous century, but their meaning is ambiguous.
That’s because the expression goes back at least to the early 1600s in a related form, “to have all one’s work cut out”. As you suggest, it was borrowed from tailoring, but in that first figurative sense it meant to prepare or plan an activity, to get everything organised before starting work, as a good tailor would. It later went through a period in which it meant that someone else cut out your work for you, that is, gave you something to do.

Crikey, the bass player in ACDC is retiring, Angus Young is the only original member left....gee..

Re: Appetite for disaster...

Posted: 13 Aug 2016, 11:05
by Icey
Yes, but he might reconsider if Brian Johnson pops back.

Re: Appetite for disaster...

Posted: 14 Aug 2016, 02:20
by tomsk
let there be rock..

Re: Appetite for disaster...

Posted: 14 Aug 2016, 10:39
by Icey
There always will be.

Re: Appetite for disaster...

Posted: 15 Aug 2016, 04:09
by tomsk

Re: Appetite for disaster...

Posted: 15 Aug 2016, 12:46
by Icey
I don't care for AC/DC, but Doningtopn Park's like a second home to me, so thanks for that.