Instant Memory and Recall

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Instant Memory and Recall

Post by Kellemora »

If you are like me, you look up a phone number, dial the first three digits, then have to look back at the page for the next four digits, because you can't remember the whole darn thing long enough to dial the number.

One of my wife's old workmates stopped by for a visit yesterday.
This lady has the ability to remember not only the phone number, but the name spelled correctly, the address, and the phone number, for five or more listing, not even together on the same page.

It is not like a photographic memory, because she does forget after she uses them for the purpose intended.
But she can look up something, and remember everything written long enough to write it down, dial a number, or whatever. She technically doesn't forget until she copies it down, then not needed to keep it memorized, it's like she erases it.

In some ways she is like us normal folk. She looks at her watch to see the time, and if you ask her what time it is, she has to look again, because she didn't store the info in her head.

And here I wish I could remember a phone number long enough to dial it without having to look back for the rest of the number, hi hi...


Re: Instant Memory and Recall

Post by Icey »

I think it depends on the number and how often you dial it. I can remember a few of my best friend's numbers, plus some family ones. This includes area dialling codes, but only on landline phones! Considering that mobile numbers're only one digit longer or contain the same amount of numbers, I seem unable to recall them when I want them!

If I have to look up a number which I don't use very often, I can usually dial up to 6 of them, but then look back to see if it's the same number as I have in my head! : )
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Re: Instant Memory and Recall

Post by Kellemora »

Oh heck, I still remember all of my aunts and uncles telephone numbers from the 1950s to '70s, because they never changed, and we called them to get in touch with our cousins almost every day too.
As I said in an earlier post, I'm older than gawds dawg.
I remember splashing for the operator and asking for 803, my dads number at work.
When they built the new phone building, we had to ask for Kirkwood 803, since there were now other phones also with 803.
All Kirkwood exchange numbers became TAylor 1 or TAylor 2 for residential numbers, and YOrktown 5 or YOrktown 6 for businesses using the new Kirkwood relay station. TA1-xxxx became 821-xxxx in later years, and YO5-xxxx became 965-xxxx. Other than the addition of area codes, nothing much has changed since then.

Grandma still had a wall crank phone, you spun the handle rather than splash for the operator. You could still receive a call on it after the dial phones came out, but you couldn't make a call with it.
We had the old Candlestick Phone when I was young, it was replaced with a Dial Phone after the two new relay houses were built, one on TAylor street and the other on YOrktown avenue.
At that time, all TAylor numbers were party lines, and all YOrktown numbers were private lines for business.
Eventually you could get a private TAylor number, which many of us did.
The neatest thing about the Dial Phone was you could call almost anywhere without waiting for an operator. Within your zone or those linked with it. We could call another town since the exchange directed the call to the proper relay stations, like calling a WYdown number from a TAylor number, no longer took going through more than one operator.
Long Distance calls were possible, expensive, and took forever to be connected. Then it was delayed voice and very noisy on the lines. So we've come a long way in telephony very rapidly.

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Re: Instant Memory and Recall

Post by pilvikki »

our first "number" was 2 rings. yep, we were on a partyline and used one of these:


(I left it in Canada to be brought over later.)

we advanced to number 256, then got 4 digits with the dial phone. ooh, high tech, lol!

meanwhile, gary, i'm so happy i'm not the only one needing to check the number twice - or maybe more! :loveu:

Re: Instant Memory and Recall

Post by Icey »

That's a magnificent phone!!!
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Re: Instant Memory and Recall

Post by pilvikki »

yes and now I don't know what to do with it... the last few decades have made her look duller, she's lost a nipple etc, but people are saying "oh no! don't try doing anything, it'll lose its value!"

but I don' care about value, i'd like it to look like it used to - when I was crank-calling people at age 10... :whistle:
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Re: Instant Memory and Recall

Post by Kellemora »

When I was very young, not at our house, but at my grandmothers, her phone had what she called a Dink Box.
There were something like ten people on her first phone line, and all of them were two digits long.
The Dink Box would make a single Dink, which meant heads up, listen.
Then following this was either two or three dinks, up to four dinks.
Dink, Dink Dink, Dink Dink Dink, would be line number 23, her line.
The numbers were not sequential. 1-1 was line one, 1-2 was line two, 2-1 was line three, 2-2 was line four, 1-3 was line five, 2-3 was line six, etc. She only had the Dink Box for a few years, then it was replaced with a Bell Box, which only rang if the call was for her.
This was years before I began calling her myself. We had dial phones by that time.

Re: Instant Memory and Recall

Post by Icey »

Reading about these things makes me realise how fast technology's come on.

Vikki, your phone could be ripe for restoration. You might not care about its value right now, but in a few years time, an original like that's going to be sought after. If you don't want to part with it, I'm sure it could be restored to its original working glory anyway.
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Re: Instant Memory and Recall

Post by Kellemora »

The frau found an Easter Egg in her new Schmartz-Fone.
I was working a crossword puzzle and hit a word I've never seen before.
She can talk to her phone and have it look up things for her.
She spelled out the word and it gave the definition.
I don't drink beer, but told her to tell her fancy schmancy fone to go get me a beer from the fridge.
It replied, I'm not your servant, go get the beer yourself.
It was duplicate-able, so she's been calling her friends to try it on their phones.
Didn't work on other folks phones. Her sister stopped by so she showed it to her.

I hit an Easter Egg in a program at work, someone else actually found it, but wasn't sure what he did to cause it.
I'm not sure exactly what I did either, must have been a sequence of steps I couldn't remember.
My cursor began spinning around the screen faster and faster, then made a rainbow of colors, and ended with a sign in the middle, something like Bishoff Programming Team Is The Best. Which lasted for about three seconds then everything faded away and my work screen came back again to normal.

Re: Instant Memory and Recall

Post by Icey »


*It replied, I'm not your servant, go get the beer yourself.
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Re: Instant Memory and Recall

Post by Kellemora »

She really has PHUN now that she found that Easter Egg.

We found a black pooch about two weeks ago. My little pooch who didn't go near him for two days, became buddies.
The other day he cried at the back door when the frau took him to the vet to see if it had a microchip. It didn't.
After notifying every animal shelter in our area, and placing a couple of ads in the paper, no one claimed the pooch.
We have our reasons for never taking a pet, especially one this well groomed to any establishment. But we let them know we have them and are looking for the owner.

The owner finally showed up on our doorstep to retrieve their friendly little critter.
After only a couple of minutes of talking to them, the frau said, "I've got to show you something on my phone."
She is showing that Easter Egg to everyone she meets. I think it is hilarious, just watching her do so.


Re: Instant Memory and Recall

Post by Icey »


I'm glad the little fellow's owner turned up as well.
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Re: Instant Memory and Recall

Post by Kellemora »

We are too! He was such a lovable little guy.
We are glad to find they had more than one pooch also, because he really loved playing with ours.
So we thought maybe he didn't have a friend to play with. They have three pooches, all about the same size.

As a safety precaution, we always ask an owner to describe their pooch, before we let them see the animal.
The owners described him better than the features I selected, talking about things I didn't notice, but were there.
When we let him out of the room, he also did something he never did with us. Jumped up into his dads arms.

We did learn something that really peeved us to the big time. I told all of our neighbors we had the dog, besides placing a big sign on both sides of our mailbox. The owners called my next door neighbor, whom I had not only shown the dog, but told him if someone he knows calls about a pooch give him our number.
When the owner called and asked if he saw a pooch around the neighborhood, he said NO, no extra dogs roaming around here.

The owners found us by contacting one of the shelters who gave them our phone number. We only told the shelter minimal information, enough for someone to know it might be their dog. But no specific markings or collar details.

This is going to sound crazy, but they did not know for nearly four days the pooch was missing. Heck, we check each of our pooches every night to make sure they are OK, actually twice a day when we feed them. So how can someone not miss their pooch?
They bulk feed the way I used to do, until we got a food hog, so now we feed individually again.
He said with both he and his wife working different shifts, and the dogs go outside on their own, eat when they want. The missing one never slept in their bedroom, nor begged for table scraps. They usually found him laying on a glider swing outside soaking up the rays. He's gotten out before, but came back in a couple of days, never roaming beyond a couple of neighbors houses, where he stayed to play with their kids, until bedtime, then came on home and got on his glider swing for the night.

I'm just as guilty, sorta. Was missing one of my pooches a number of years ago. I know she didn't get out of the house, but couldn't find her anywhere in the house either. She's very lucky I went down the basement to the separate room where our furnace was located. This door is always closed and locked for security reasons.
I still don't know for certain how she got locked in their, but she was OK. There was fresh water in the room to drink, due to a sweat drip gutter going to an inside drain from a water cooled compressor. But she was mighty hungry after two days with no food.
Why she didn't bark or scratch at the door to get our attention I don't know. Our laundry machines were close to the boiler room door.

The nearest I can figure is one of the kids must have let her into the back yard to do her duty. They may have opened an old abandoned coal chute door, and perhaps the pooch heard them in the basement and jumped in this small door. It was closed and latched when I checked the backyard when I was looking for her, and the kids usually didn't mess around in that part of the yard. This is the only feasible way she could have got down there that I know of, because the frau was never in that room for her to have followed her in there. She was afraid of the boiler room anyhow. And you know kids, they deny opening the old coal chute door EVER, hi hi...

The Life and Times of our household, eh!

Re: Instant Memory and Recall

Post by Icey »

Yes, I can just imagine. It's a good job your dog had access to water though, and that you found her.
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Re: Instant Memory and Recall

Post by Kellemora »

Yeppers, she was sure glad to see me too! I also put a lock on that old coal chute door afterward as well. Although the kids could no longer get to it because of a pump for the pool sat in front of it.

I know I mentioned the story about our hamsters falling down the fireplace clean out bin to the ash box in the basement. I was lucky to find them right away. They wouldn't last long without water.

Re: Instant Memory and Recall

Post by Icey »

True - so it's a good job that most of us have a memory and don't forget to give our animals the water they need!
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Re: Instant Memory and Recall

Post by Kellemora »

We have a main water dish, the self-filling type for most of the dogs, but keep a small water dish in a corner of the bathroom for the small dogs who do not like the big dish.
Of course the big dogs go in there and empty it in a couple of drinks, so we always refill it each time we pass the door.
The little white pooch will come and whine if her water dish is only down about one-quarter. Spoiled she is! Want's her dish plump full of fresh water or she turns her nose up at it.

Since I got the little black pooch, we have to make sure the shower doors are closed all the way, because he loves to get in the shower to drink the water which stands around the drain cover. Since we use an automatic shower cleaner, we don't want him drinking that stuff. So after we have a shower and the cleaner runs, we then run some more clean water before closing the doors, just in case.

With the two inside dishes, and the bird pans inside their fence outside, they will never be totally out of water.

Re: Instant Memory and Recall

Post by Icey »

Very thoughtful of you. Yes, animals need nice fresh water as much as humans do, but our dogs are the same as your white one. If the water's gone down in their bowls, or it has a few bits in it - nope! They won't touch it! : )
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Re: Instant Memory and Recall

Post by Kellemora »

When I built our sixteen foot long carpeted doggie run, so the dogs automatically wiped their feet after being outside.
I wanted to build a self-cleaning water trough mounted to the wall so they had to go out in the doggie run to get a drink.
This way their drips would be outside, hi hi...

Toward this goal, I picked up a used commercial bathroom flush valve which only used two gallons of water per flush, which made it now illegal for bathrooms. But it was the perfect amount for my intended use.
Had it on my drawings from way back when I was going to put the washer and dryer in a mud room addition on the house.

Well, when the frau saw how big the kitchen would be if we removed an exterior wall to make the mud room a part of the kitchen itself, all the plans changed. Then after the hailstorm and a few other damaging things, I never got a Round Tuit.

I sorta wish our house was higher up on the hill. Although being on the low end or flattest part of our property has its advantages, some of the landscaping I wanted to do early on, wouldn't make sense.
It would have been super nice if we had a natural slow running spring on our property like our neighbor six doors down has. I could have done a lot with it. A decorative meandering creek down the hillside with several pools for the critters to drink from, etc. While our neighbor with it, doesn't like it at all, and it just runs down a channel and under the road.

Re: Instant Memory and Recall

Post by Icey »

Well we're going seriously off topic here, but couldn't the water be channeled away from your neighbour's garden towards yours and others who might appreciate it?