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melanie gaydos

Posted: 29 Sep 2015, 20:58
by pilvikki
this certainly was educational! she's amazing:

the ugly duckling?

I love it that she was picked on for her looks - and now is a top model! loved the interview!

Re: melanie gaydos

Posted: 29 Sep 2015, 23:09
by Icey
That was extremely touching. What a brave lady, and I hope she makes as much money as possible, so that when her modelling days're over, she can live decently.
The only spanner in the works, is that I hope the people who hire her aren't just out for a cheap way of making money for THEMSELVES. People're going to turn up to look at her out of curiosity, and advertisers and fashion houses know it.
Despite that, rather than wallow in self-pity, the woman's had the guts to get out there and earn a living. Commendable.

Re: melanie gaydos

Posted: 30 Sep 2015, 21:55
by pilvikki
still think they could have done a better job on her lip; it's not 1901...

Re: melanie gaydos

Posted: 01 Oct 2015, 02:34
by Icey
True, but I suppose it depends on the extent of her deformity, and when she first underwent surgery. I've seen Vogue pics of her, and apart from her slimness, which those sort of fashion places love, the woman seems to've unfortunately been born with other facial characteristics which don't do her any favours aesthetically.
On the plus side, she's overcome all this to be making a good career for herself, and maybe now that she must be earning a nice bit, she could probably have the defects rectified - and this's an example of where I think cosmetic surgery's a good option for those who want it.
However, her confidence must've soared, so she probably thinks: take me as you find me - which's a great attitude, and puts all the vain wannabe's to shame.

Re: melanie gaydos

Posted: 01 Oct 2015, 15:21
by pilvikki
exactly! she'd be crazy to start monkeying around with any 'improvements' now.

look at that actor who hated her nose and finally got it "fixed". nobody's hired her since, as pretty girls/women are a dime a doz and she totally lost her uniqueness. what a pity.

Re: melanie gaydos

Posted: 01 Oct 2015, 16:54
by Icey
I agree with you. "Defects" can actually make a face more interesting - certainly better than the plastic, can't frown, stretched ones.
Loads of celebrities have body defects, from webbed toes, clubbed thumbs, ears that aren't symmetrical, different-coloured eyes and all sorts. Somebody even said that she was born with a quarter of an inch "tail", and Lily Allen has a third nipple. Elizabeth Taylor was born with a condition that gives an extra set of eyelashes which grow inside the eyelid and can cause irritation and infections, but then you have actors like Jane Seymour who has a slight eye defect which adds to her attraction. Andy Garcia was a conjoined twin, joined at the shoulder, but most of these anomalies can be rectified or aren't noticed.
With Melanie, her problems're obvious, but she hasn't let it stop her from carving out as career for herself, so thumbs up to her because the fashion and beauty business's all about looks in the usual way.