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Posted: 24 Feb 2015, 18:19
by Icey
I found this article interesting, but then wondered about folk who can't nod off for little naps or those who find sleeping difficult anyway. Do you find that you feel refreshed if you manage to sleep for short spells, or does it just fog your brain further? ... like-a-pro

Re: Napping

Posted: 24 Feb 2015, 19:12
by yogi
I get by well on 6 hours sleep every night. There are times when I don't make the full 6 hour slumber and wake up like the fabled zombie. On those days a quick (20 minute) nap does indeed refresh my mind. It usually occurs right here at my computer desk mid afternoon. There have been naps that make me groggy. Those don't last the full 20 minutes or go beyond. There is something magic about that 20 minute nap in my case.

Re: Napping

Posted: 24 Feb 2015, 22:06
by Icey
Glad it works for you Yogi. In my case, it takes maybe an hour to an hour and a half, but after that, I can wake up refreshed and raring to go. The thing is, I don't get many hours sleep at night even if I try, so by mid afternoon I'm sometimes flagging and need a short rest.

Re: Napping

Posted: 25 Feb 2015, 03:06
by GildedOwl
I am an epic napper. I try not to nap on my lunch breaks (sometimes we get long lunches if we are slow, and we have couches in our breakroom ) because it just makes me want to sleep more. I used to have trouble sleeping due to my depression, but new meds have let me fall asleep faster.

Re: Napping

Posted: 25 Feb 2015, 11:44
by pilvikki
it appears I need a nap before reading anything, that almost dropped me into a coma. bh, I really can't concentrate at all!

anyway, just like yogi says, that 20 mins would do it for me: more or less just doesn't work. the recommended 60-90 mins may/may not refresh, but then i'd be awake until 3 am, so the whole thing would be redundant in the end.

as it is, I tend to wake up brighyt-eyed and bushy-tailed at 5 am after 3 hrs of sleep. around 8 i'm mentally alert, physically tired. if I go back to sleep, I get more and more and more TIRED, until eventually reaching the point of wondering if I could just keep on until the NEXT morning.

and Owl... my sympathies, depression is such a PITA....

Re: Napping

Posted: 25 Feb 2015, 14:34
by Icey
Depression can play havoc with sleep patterns. I feel for anyone who suffers in that way, but I'm the same regarding short spells of sleep. I can have 4 hours a night, and wake up pretty much OK. Then I go down again by the afternoon or early evening, but I have no choice in whether to ignore the tiredness or give in to it. When my body says "rest", I can literally be out within a minute, so when the feeling comes on, I go and lie down.

Re: Napping

Posted: 25 Feb 2015, 15:22
by pilvikki

Re: Napping

Posted: 25 Feb 2015, 20:28
by Icey
LOL! That describes it perfectly!!

Re: Napping

Posted: 26 Feb 2015, 13:33
by pilvikki
possibly due to my apnea, I get those moments of feeling like i'm about to pass out cold. at least I know it's coming, unlike narcolepsy.

Re: Napping

Posted: 26 Feb 2015, 18:00
by Icey
Actually, some people with narcolepsy DO have warning signs that they're about to drop or nod off. My friend's daughter suffers with it, and when she feels a sleep coming on, she manages to get to a couch which her employers've kindly provided for her. Having said that, she's on medication which probably helps her to recognise what's about to happen.

I don't have narcolepsy or cataplexy, but when I need to sleep, it can come on quickly.

Re: Napping

Posted: 27 Feb 2015, 20:01
by pilvikki

us in London...


Re: Napping

Posted: 27 Feb 2015, 22:00
by Icey

You should've seen me when I finally got back home! :sleep:

That's a beautiful pic isn't it!

Re: Napping

Posted: 01 Mar 2015, 00:18
by pilvikki
I was wiped, too - and spent some extra time :sleep:

Re: Napping

Posted: 01 Mar 2015, 01:07
by Icey
No wonder! You had further to travel than me, and what with the bus ........

I got home at goodness knows what time, and then sat outside, case lolling against the wall. I had to give an account of our travels, and suddenly felt very weary. I was like: "I'll tell you later", and went upstairs to get changed. The next thing I knew, I woke up on the bed. I'd gone out like a light. : )