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What Trans Looks Like

Posted: 19 Jul 2015, 18:25
by yogi
The HuffPost Gay Voices edition of the Huffington Post has a presence on Twitter. Last summer they asked for pictures to show what it means to be "trans." The linked article shows 92 of the best responses. Many are not what I would have expected, and some are blatantly obvious that some changes have taken place. All the pictures are quite revealing.

GORGEOUS TRANS' ... d?e73f2yb9

Re: What Trans Looks Like

Posted: 23 Jul 2015, 21:52
by Icey
A few of those are pretty good, but with most of those examples you CAN tell. I think that men with Oriental features get away with it the best, since the facial/body structure's often more petite than amongst other races, although many of them have exaggerated breast implants on top of small bodies. ... .jpg?w=700

Then again, it probably depends on who does their surgery and advises the "females" on make-up, etc. ... -570.jpg?6

As for the opposite way round - again, some are difficult to imagine in their original role! ... oto-u2.jpg

Re: What Trans Looks Like

Posted: 07 Oct 2015, 17:47
by pilvikki
I think I told you, how years ago a buddy and I stumbled into a show featuring transvestites. they were so good that it took me a good half the time to realize they were guys. but, as I bitterly complained to joe 'all prettier than me'...

at intermission one of the guys sat down to chat with his friends at the next table. being nosy, I just had to ask where on earth he found pantyhose long enough for his 6' frame. leaning over, in his husky 'normal' voice he rumbled

"queen size, darling!"


as for transgender, what a pain that has to be on so many levels! good grief.

Re: What Trans Looks Like

Posted: 07 Oct 2015, 21:23
by Icey
:lol: Lol at your friend!

Yes, to really want to be the opposite sex, it must be painful on so many points. I feel sorry for those who can't stand their own bodies any more, and it's even worse if they can't afford or aren't able to get the changes they seek.

To them, being a transvestite or however they term themselves now, isn't enough.

I used to be confused by transvestites though. They want to dress and look like women, fancy men, and so're seemingly gay people who just like to dress up, but apparently it isn't like that at all. :eek:

Re: What Trans Looks Like

Posted: 08 Oct 2015, 00:08
by yogi
Gay people keep there gender identity in tact. Trannies identify as the opposite sex. Big difference there. :xclaim:

Re: What Trans Looks Like

Posted: 08 Oct 2015, 09:18
by Icey
LOL, you could be right there, but I've met a good few gay men who make it perfectly obvious which role they prefer, even when they dress in a "straight" male manner. We know a couple of very nice guys. The "husband" is the more masculine of the two, and his "wife's" overly girly. Oh but who cares? The male half works for an airline, and his partner works in a retail fashion outlet. You know they're gay just by their respective mannerisms and in the way they talk, but they're such lovely people. Everyone accepts them and I've been out with them on lots of occasions. Brilliant company and highly amusing.

I still get confused by the different terms used to describe the differences though. ... dered.aspx

Re: What Trans Looks Like

Posted: 08 Oct 2015, 17:40
by pilvikki
I thought I had it all clear - once again - until I ran into metrosexual and pansexual.

what now...........?

also, I read years ago about these british truck drivers who had formed a crossdressing club. reason they gave was to be free of all the demands that clubbing would put on them, all being married.

the article did not explain why they didn't just bring their wives along.

Re: What Trans Looks Like

Posted: 08 Oct 2015, 20:08
by Icey
Married to same-sex partners though, or to women?

Re: What Trans Looks Like

Posted: 13 Oct 2015, 21:10
by pilvikki
they said they were straight...

Re: What Trans Looks Like

Posted: 13 Oct 2015, 21:48
by Icey
Right, well that's possibly true actually. Over here, we have groups such as the Beaumont Society, which encourages men to visit and allow their "feminine" sides to take over. These men're often married, and not actually gay, but they like to dress up, put make-up on, wigs and high heels. This makes it difficult for straight people to understand whether they're just cross-dressers or whether they're transvesite, for want of a better expression.
The difference, it seems, is very slight. The cross- dresser likes to show his sensitive side and feel like a woman fir a while. A transvestite likes to be SEEN as a woman.
Bit baffling isn't it?
So ... what are drag artists then?