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Babies With Three Parents

Posted: 15 Dec 2016, 22:14
by yogi
Another first for the UK will be a treatment that involves creating babies who have three biological parents. This amounts to DNA modification of the female's egg and the usual contribution by the male. The reason behind this mixing of eggs is to prevent a rare disease that prohibits the newborn's body cells from functioning at their full potential. It's often fatal. The procedure has been around for many years, but is only now is going to be made legal and publicly available in the UK. It has been turned down by the congress in America. ... to-the-uk/

Re: Babies With Three Parents

Posted: 15 Dec 2016, 23:22
by pilvikki
so, the sci-fi is here and in full force...

I just find it bizarre that we keep thinking of more and more ways to reproduce while we're drowning in ourselves...

Re: Babies With Three Parents

Posted: 16 Dec 2016, 00:32
by yogi
They admit in the article that only a few people would benefit from all this high priced research. I'm thinking it might be better if they directed their efforts toward a cancer cure, or solving problems with heart disease. That would affect a lot more people than the 25 a year that one clinic expects to treat.

Re: Babies With Three Parents

Posted: 16 Dec 2016, 17:45
by Kellemora
There are a LOT of cures for the various types of Cancer.
Unfortunately, Big Pharma has made it impossible for any cure to be released in the USA unless it meets impossible requirements.
This is why we have not seen a cure for anything since Polio...
The two main requirements for a cure to be released in the USA is:
1) It must be patent-able. No Prior Art or any Natural product can be patented.
2) It must be able to be Synthesized. There is no known natural product, or blend of natural products, that will work after they were synthesized.
Big Pharma forced these rules into law to protect their industry.
It's all about the MONEY!

On another note:
The insurance companies are just as crooked. Especially for those on Medicare.
Let's take an example drug, such as Enalopril.
This drug may be purchased at any Walmart Pharmacy from their $4.00 list of drugs, without insurance.
I won't name the name of the insurance company here. But seniors have to worry about hitting the Donut Hole in their drug plans. An insurance company is allowed to set their own retail price for a drug, without regulatory interference or recourse. Although I believe in Free Enterprise, I also don't think Price Gouging should be allowed. Seniors are STUCK on FIXED drug plan for a full year.
The insurance company I won't name has set their retail price for Enalopril at $1,910.00 give or take. They charge a $20.00 copay to get the drug. But that $1,910.00 retail price shoots the buyer into the Donut Hole almost instantly. So then the insurance company no longer covers any of their drugs, until the buyer spends over 4 grand to get back out of the Donut Hole.
Most insurance companies do have one or several popular drugs they charge excessive retail rates for.
And none of them show the retail rates applied to your account in their Formulary, so you don't know until you suddenly find yourself in the Donut Hole and wonder how you got there on $4.00 drugs.

Re: Babies With Three Parents

Posted: 16 Dec 2016, 19:17
by yogi
Don't spend too much time worrying about insurance for seniors. Comrade Trump has a plan and a crew in place which is dedicated to get the government out of the healthcare business. It won't be too long before everybody will be paying for private insurance at the going price, or not having coverage at all. It will be more equal then.