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Political Insults

Posted: 04 Nov 2016, 14:59
by yogi
Winston Churchill (1946)
“He is a modest man with much to be modest about,” is how Winston Churchill once described U.K. Prime Minister Clement Attlee. The ambiguity of Churchill’s language works to blur the exact nature of his allusions.

Bob Dole (1996)
In 1996, Bob Dole had this to say of former Presidents Carter, Ford and Nixon: “History buffs probably noted the reunion at a Washington party a few weeks ago of three ex-presidents: Carter, Ford, and Nixon — See No Evil, Hear No Evil, and Evil.”

Teddy Roosevelt (1897)
Then-Assistant Secretary of the Navy Theodore Roosevelt got creative when he likened President William McKinley’s scruples (or the lack thereof) to a pastry: “He [McKinley] has no more backbone than a chocolate éclair.”

Abraham Lincoln (1858)
Abraham Lincoln showed an impressive mastery of language and imagery when he pointed out flaws in the logic of his political opponent, Stephen Douglas: “His argument is as thin as the homeopathic soup that was made by boiling the shadow of a pigeon that had been starved to death.”

Adlai Stevenson (1983)
Adlai Stevenson was able to express quite clearly what he considered to be Richard Nixon’s hypocrisy. Stevenson described Nixon as “…the kind of politician who would cut down a redwood tree and then mount the stump to make a speech for conservation.”

Ann Richards (1988)
In her Democratic National Convention keynote address in 1988, Ann Richards, who served as the Governor of Texas from 1991 to 1995, criticized George H. W. Bush for his sudden interest in the American future: “Poor George. He can’t help it — he was born with a silver foot in his mouth.”

Silvio Berlusconi (2008)
Because of Silvio Berlusconi’s combative style and penchant for making inappropriate and vulgar remarks, his persona has been compared to Donald Trump’s. With Berlusconi’s reputation for throwing wild “Bunga Bunga” parties and proclivity to brag about his sexual prowess, the former Italian Prime Minister was the source of widespread incredulity and outrage in 2008 when he referred to Barack Obama–who had just become the first African American president-elect in U.S. history–as “young, handsome and suntanned.” It seems as if Berlusconi cannot wrap his head around the fact that racism isn’t funny.

Donald Trump (2016)
The monikers coined by Donald Trump to belittle his political opponents–“Low-energy Jeb” (Jeb Bush), “Lying Ted” (Ted Cruz), “Little Marco” (Marco Rubio), and “Crooked” Hillary Clinton–propelled Trump through the GOP primaries and much of the 2016 presidential race. But Trump’s latest denigration, his calling Hillary Clinton “such a nasty woman,” has backfired. Following Trump’s derisive remark at the final presidential debate, Nasty Woman was swiftly reclaimed by Clinton supporters. Scores of online vendors have exploited the Nasty Woman misstep to sell merchandise in support of Hillary Clinton. ... -all-time/

Re: Political Insults

Posted: 04 Nov 2016, 16:33
by pilvikki
you know, the way language works is pretty funny.
“young, handsome and suntanned.”
I have no idea why that's offensive. I get that Berlusconi is, so i'm just taking everybody's word for it...

rather reminds me of mohamed I worked with and we were talking about offensive language. he's from eritria and said you can call him a nigger all day long as it has no significance for him.


Re: Political Insults

Posted: 04 Nov 2016, 16:40
by yogi
The message there is Berlusconi didn't acknowledge Obama's racial heritage. He was framed as a white guy with sun tan. You might think that is innocuous if it wasn't a racial slur.

Culture has a lot to do with why words are offensive, I agree. The problem is nobody else can agree.

Re: Political Insults

Posted: 04 Nov 2016, 22:31
by pilvikki
ok, thanks! that makes sense. I guess.

I mean the explanation makes sense.

there is hope, I suppose: when squeaki was accused of ignoring a rude, wee black girl because she's black, punkin said "why didn't you tell her that your best friend is black?"

"oh yeah, I keep forgetting that she is...."

Re: Political Insults

Posted: 04 Nov 2016, 22:45
by Icey
Children're accepting of others. It's what they hear from adults which sometimes gets passed on.

I met one of my son's friend's girlfriend today. She's from Tokyo - a very pretty and extremely polite girl. Her ethnicity doesn't come into it. There are good and bad people everywhere, and skin colour shouldn't matter. Unfortunately, to some people it still does, but Silvio Berlusconi's comment about Barack Obama was well out of order.

Re: Political Insults

Posted: 05 Nov 2016, 11:27
by yogi
... so then you don't mind all those immigrants from Europe coming to England :question: :hide:

Re: Political Insults

Posted: 05 Nov 2016, 14:56
by Icey
What has that to do with the rude comment about Barack? What have European immigrants coming to England got to do with it? The colour of a person's skin's irrelevant.