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Photos of Mars

Posted: 13 Sep 2016, 00:21
by yogi
NASA is getting pretty good with it's pictures. Check out the link for some eerily familiar pictures from the Red Planet. ... aw-images/

Re: Photos of Mars

Posted: 13 Sep 2016, 00:36
by Icey
Well, I could look at stuff like that for hours. I still think that Mars had life on it once - and maybe still has, even if it's not in a form that we recognise. I'd love lots of samples to come back to earth, so that they could be examined properly.

Re: Photos of Mars

Posted: 13 Sep 2016, 11:28
by yogi
The landscape in some of those photos is exactly like the formations we have in the southwest part of our country. It's that similarity which struck my eye. The idea of life on other planets has been based on it being somewhat human in form. But, it is likely that there are forms of life we have not even thought of yet. It could be living among us right now for all we know. :mrgreen:

Re: Photos of Mars

Posted: 13 Sep 2016, 15:37
by Kellemora
Interesting photo's Yogi!

Re: Photos of Mars

Posted: 13 Sep 2016, 20:47
by Icey
It does, Yogi! :lol:

According to David Icke, the Queen, President Obama and even the Queen Mother and Donald Trump - hail from a reptilian society!


Joking aside, I agree that a form of intelligent life on other planets might be way different from a human one, but I definitely don't think that we're alone!

Re: Photos of Mars

Posted: 14 Sep 2016, 20:22
by Kellemora
I wonder if the aliens who fly over in their UFO's don't bother to stop, because they examine us enough to know there is NO intelligent life on planet Earth, hi hi...

Re: Photos of Mars

Posted: 14 Sep 2016, 22:10
by Icey
Possibly right, Gary. We'd seem like Neanderthals in comparison. : )

Re: Photos of Mars

Posted: 24 Sep 2016, 03:19
by tomsk
Fascinating pictures, the clarity is amazing .......How does Mars get it's redness.......?

Re: Photos of Mars

Posted: 24 Sep 2016, 11:19
by Icey
It's something to do with the minerals in the Martian soil, giving it a red appearance in the night sky.

Re: Photos of Mars

Posted: 24 Sep 2016, 17:11
by Kellemora
Mars has a lot of Iron, and at one time had enough water to cause the Iron to Oxidize.
Because of dust storms, the surface appears rust red, as do the abundant dust particles in the atmosphere.
In areas where the surface dust was knocked away, it appears brown like our dirt, but the rust red dust soon spreads over cleared areas real fast.
The water on Mars is trapped as Ice, mainly at the polar caps, also covered in rust red dust.

This is the one thing that has been a dilemma for me about Mars. But perhaps their atmosphere is so much different than ours, that the properties of water as we know them, are not the same on Mars.
For example: Ice can evaporate into a gas without going through the liquid stage here on earth. Because of this, we would still get clouds and rain, or technically snow and hail if we were in the middle of an ice age.
We do not find this same thing happening on Mars. Perhaps the gas is trapped under the layers of dust and cannot escape into the atmosphere?

Re: Photos of Mars

Posted: 24 Sep 2016, 19:51
by Icey
Hi Gary.

I don't know, but you answered Tomsk's question better than I could! : )

Re: Photos of Mars

Posted: 24 Sep 2016, 23:20
by tomsk
yes, thank you Gary....
Time and space..
it is all fascinating...leaves me starry eyed in awe...

Re: Photos of Mars

Posted: 25 Sep 2016, 00:07
by Icey

Re: Photos of Mars

Posted: 25 Sep 2016, 01:41
by tomsk
Heavens above Icey what?

Re: Photos of Mars

Posted: 25 Sep 2016, 21:24
by Icey
Double face palm!!!! Ha ha ha!