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Posted: 29 May 2016, 00:36
by Icey
It seems that Europe's been hit by heavy storms. We haven't had one over here yet, but one person in Poland's been killed, and scores injured, including a party of schoolchildren.

Vikki told me earlier that there'd been one over where she lives, so hope everyone's OK.

Reading about the weather today, it appears that we may be in for a couple of heatwaves over here, in July and August. It'd make a change to have several days of prolonged good weather, but we don't want the storms which'd no doubt follow. Anyone else having them? :confused:

Re: Storms

Posted: 29 May 2016, 01:16
by imhotep the 2nd
Hiya. It's been a long while since I last logged on here, so I thought it was time to do so.
Anyway, we've experienced quite a numerous amount of rumbling thunder. Luckily we didn't have a power cut, although the lights did flicker a bit.
We also had a torrential downpour the other day. I don't think we'll have a drought for quite some time!!
It's been muggy and warm a little bit during the day, but it seems fairly cool now as it's almost 2.15am.

I think I best be off now...yawning my head off. Better go in case my head does drop off. LOL! :smile:

Re: Storms

Posted: 29 May 2016, 02:49
by tomsk
hey Imo..
It's been clement here in saaarf......L

some people got struck by lightning whilst sheltering under trees..???
very sad , that is something you must never do...

Re: Storms

Posted: 29 May 2016, 10:25
by Icey
Well guys, it rains a LOT where I am. Either that, or the wind's really cold and brings any decent temperature right down, but storms - no. We haven't had one yet (merely because conditions haven't been right for one), and I haven't heard any thunder so far.

No T, you should never shelter beneath lone trees. Lightning flows through things with the least resistance - such as trees or buildings. If you're out in a wide open space when a storm starts, the best thing to do is to make yourself as small as possible on the ground, with your knees drawn up under you. Yes, you'd probably get covered in mud, but it could save your life.

Re: Storms

Posted: 29 May 2016, 22:19
by pilvikki
yes, it a rather spectacular bit of storming with hail, wind, rain and wave after wave of thunder. then it got quiet and totally forgot what it usually does - waits until you're all comfy and...




Re: Storms

Posted: 29 May 2016, 22:27
by Icey
Evening! Happy Mother's Day!!

Is it still storming in between the nice bits of weather?

Re: Storms

Posted: 29 May 2016, 23:02
by pilvikki
clear atm. who knows though... thor might want to do some bowling...

Re: Storms

Posted: 29 May 2016, 23:18
by tomsk
Evening! Happy Mother's Day!!


People who get hit by lightning and survive have said it was a very negative experience and after have had sadness in their lives..

Re: Storms

Posted: 29 May 2016, 23:58
by Icey
First of all T, it's Mother's Day where Vikki is - or was, since it's now officially Monday, OR, she'd been celebrating the day from when she lived in Canada. Their MD isn't in March like ours.

I would've thought that a survivor of a lightning strike would've been radiantly happy - just to be alive!

Re: Storms

Posted: 01 Jun 2016, 15:08
by pilvikki
I do believe the lightning fries your brain... yep, it does:
...many lightning strike survivors report memory issues, trouble with concentration and severe headaches, all of which last decades after the initial strike. Due to the rarity of lightning strike cases, less time and resources have been devoted to better understanding how these strikes impact long-term brain function.

Re: Storms

Posted: 01 Jun 2016, 18:58
by Icey
It doesn't surprise me in the least. At the end of the day, people're being hit by an electrical charge. Even a mild strike to the head's going to leave you with one or all of the first things you mentioned above. : (