Two stars as one

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imhotep the 2nd
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Re: Two stars as one

Post by imhotep the 2nd »

It sure is Icey. Mother nature can be spectacularly wonderful and yet can be devastating at times too.....such as horrendous earthquakes,etc.

Re: Two stars as one

Post by Icey »

I had that in mind as I typed my last comment actually. Mother Nature's beautiful but powerful, but everything works as it's supposed to work, even when the results're tragic sometimes.
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Re: Two stars as one

Post by Kellemora »

Seeing the stars at night is one of the benefits of moving south and on the top of a mountain. I'm away from city lights pretty much. Big difference between here and back home in how much light is reflected from the atmosphere above a city. It's like we are close to the stars, they are brighter and much clearer too.

Re: Two stars as one

Post by Icey »

Well you're away from all the smog, and I agree, it's much more pleasant to look up and see the heavens full of stars, which're not so defined if you're in a city. Having said that, we've usually got so much cloud up here that you don't always see them anyway! Lol.
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Re: Two stars as one

Post by Kellemora »

I'm not saying this to be phunny, but it's the truth.
While seated at my desk, although I have a 3x4 foot window in front of me, and one to my right shoulder.
Because the back of my garage where my office is, is partially earth sheltered, while seated at my desk, the windowsill under the window is about level with the top of my forehead. Above eye level, but below top of head level.
This means I can only look up!
I live on the side of a mountain, so this can be beneficial when looking out my right shoulder window. Instead of staring into the ground, I can see across the back yard and up into the woods, even if I can't see the ground until near the top of the mountain. I have a good view of the sky and tree tops from both windows.

Outside the window in front of me, I have tall mounts, like plant hangers, etc.
From one hangs a hummingbird feeder, on top of another is a large tray for feeding birds I fill every morning, and another with a suet cake. I see plenty of activity out that window during daylight hours.
Between my storage sheds (outside my right window) I have several types of bird houses, and a view into the woods.
Plus plenty of sky, so after dark I can look up and see the alien space ships and flying saucers coming and going.
They could be bats, and owls, or other known creatures too. An occasional flying snake gives me the heeby jeebies.


Re: Two stars as one

Post by Icey »

That sounds lovely Gary, and since I've never seen a hummingbird in the flesh, I can imagine what a delight it is to watch them. The idea of seeing an alien spaceship sounds good as well!!!
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Re: Two stars as one

Post by Kellemora »

Hummingbirds are cute and comical, have dozens right outside my window for entertainment.
I figure shooting stars, airplanes, satellites, and other man made things cannot make a 90 degree or a U-turn at warp speed, so it must be UFOs, hi hi...

Re: Two stars as one

Post by Icey »

Not so funny - I agree with you. Myself and others've seen things like that, with no rational explanation. I know that passing clouds sometimes distort things, so it appears that an object suddenly shoots forward then becomes stationary again. In fact, it's never noticeably moved at such speed, but when these things shoot across the sky, turn and go off at another angle, you wonder what the heck they are.
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Re: Two stars as one

Post by Kellemora »

I do have the story behind on such event. They finally figured it out and could replicate it, if the conditions were right.
No UFO, just lights from our own ground reflecting and hitting a focal point in the sky all together as one dot.

Re: Two stars as one

Post by Icey »

I don't get it. Even if lights from the ground DID hit a focal point as one dot, what'd make them/it suddenly shoot across the sky, hover again, then disappear or move on?
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Re: Two stars as one

Post by Kellemora »

Sorta like two searchlights crossing each others beams, only narrower and not as bright. Not enough low level humidity for the ray to be seen, but when they converged in or under a light cloud it was so bright, it was all you could see.
I think in the case I referred to, there was a third element, like a reflection off water which enhanced the effect.
In any case, they finally figured it out, no UFO, just lights from the ground in an unusual circumstance. They were also able to duplicate the effect several times as well.

Re: Two stars as one

Post by Icey »

All seems well then, but then again, they "may be out there"!! : )
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Re: Two stars as one

Post by Kellemora »

I don't doubt they are, and probably a whole lot smarter than we are, hi hi...

Re: Two stars as one

Post by Icey »

Yes, I should say that's a given.

I listen to people's experiences of "seeing" alien craft out of curiosity, but I have a good friend who swears she's seen something, and although I've suggested explanations for the possible sighting, I really have no reason to disbelieve this person, who maintains that it's true and something which she's never going to forget.

On travelling back home on a remote road across the moors, she suddenly noticed 3 bright lights following them. She turned to her husband and remarked that whatever they were, they were rapidly approaching and that they should pull in to allow for this "vehicle" to pass. Before they could do so, the lights swerved off to one side, making no sound, but continued to stay behind them. Since there was no other road either side of the lane they were going down, they thought someone'd driven off it by mistake - there being no road lights.
They pulled up, and so did the lights. When they pulled off again, the lights continued to follow until they were alongside their car, but the brightness of them was blinding, so no vehicle could be made out. Shielding their eyes against the onslaught, the lights hovered for a few minutes, scaring my friend witless, then suddenly took off vertically at great speed. Within seconds, these lights became a dot in the sky and disappeared. My friend's husband was shaken, and they turned the car round and shone their headlights into the blackness behind and around them them. Nothing, and no one was there, so they continued with their journey as quickly as was possible.
No one has any rational explanation for what happened. It was all in total silence and lasted for about 20 minutes. Who knows?
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Re: Two stars as one

Post by Kellemora »

Hi Icey

I don't know how long ago the incident you mentioned happened.
But pranksters have been around for a long long time.

Eons ago, I belonged to a model RC airplane club.
Right after electric motors became popular for RC aircraft, they used them to pull several pranks on folks, similar to what you mentioned.

They added extra capacitors to three stroboscopic lights, added a color filter over them, and placed them in a triangle shape on the plane. Under the wing tips and tail.

Without something to compare distance against, when you see something in the sky, you have no idea if it is low or high in the sky. Whatever you are thinking you are seeing will dictate the size you perceive it to be. In reality, it could be something quite small and very close to you, instead of something huge high in the sky.
An RC plane can almost do a 180, and if you think this is something big and high in the sky, it can be a real fooler.

Until they were caught, we had several reports of a UFO out in the Gumbo Flats area. All put to rest when it was discovered how the hoax was pulled off.

Another group of kids did something similar using only twine and footballs suspended from pulleys on the twine.

But it can be really scary when you don't know what it is chasing you, hi hi...

Re: Two stars as one

Post by Icey »

Hi Gary. Oh yes, I agree with you. I have to say though, that these 3 lights which my friend swears she saw, weren't in a triangle shape, but all in a straight line. It doesn't really matter. I guess anything like that could have a number of explanations, including a hoax, but when something pulls alongside of you, blinding in its intensity and not appearing to be at the end of a beam (e.g. from a strong torch/flashlight), I imagine that you consider even the wildest of explanations, except that there didn't appear to be any. I guess we'll never know, although my practical side tells me that it surely must've been a trick of some sort.
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Re: Two stars as one

Post by Kellemora »

Then again, it COULD have been a UFO, hi hi...
I don't discount they exist, just not everything we think is a UFO really is one.
But logic sorta dictates, why would they follow a car? I'm sure by now they know what cars are, hi hi...

Re: Two stars as one

Post by Icey »

Morning Gary.

No, I agree with you, except to ask why they'd appear anywhere, really? People've "seen" them land, then simply disappear or take off again. They've supposedly been seen flying erratically, disappearing into clouds, hovering over places for a short time and logic tells you that if they were really there, they'd want to make contact or spend a bit longer in their new surroundings. Then again, the alien abductions ..... LOL!
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Re: Two stars as one

Post by Kellemora »

It could just be that we have some aliens who are known to take to the bottle on occasion, and then get behind the controls of their flying saucer and cause mischief, swerving in and out of the galaxies as they pass, hi hi...

Re: Two stars as one

Post by Icey »

Hi Gary! Good answer!! : )