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Evolutionary Leftovers

Posted: 10 May 2019, 23:30
by yogi
Since we were talking about evolution in some other thread, I thought you might be interested in seeing this meme: ... atchymemes

Re: Evolutionary Leftovers

Posted: 11 May 2019, 14:42
by Kellemora
I know DNA sequencing shows a Chimp has 24 genome pairs and a human only has 23 genome pairs.
But I also know that about 90% or higher of DNA sequencing is found in all mammals.
We are about as closely related to a cat or cow as we are a whale or an alligator.

The link you posted was an interesting read.

If Apes evolved to become Humans, why do we still have Apes?

My chimp Magoo was as smart as a whip, but could never progress beyond the age of two mentally, well OK maybe the age of four, but he always acted like a two year old.

Re: Evolutionary Leftovers

Posted: 11 May 2019, 16:16
by yogi
Jane Goodall did a lot of work with chimps and I believe she figured they can act like 5 year old humans, tops. To be honest I don't recall what puts that cap on intelligence but it is evolutionary.
Gary wrote:If Apes evolved to become Humans, why do we still have Apes?
I could turn this question around and ask why would we not have apes? The question is like asking, "if a tree has a branch, why does the trunk still exist?" Given the known process of tree growth, it's the wrong question.

Apparently there is a lot of good information in that image I posted. I have an account on Tumblr and some interesting people show up there from time to time. It's just somebody's observations and was intended purely for entertainment purposes, and reblog counts.

Re: Evolutionary Leftovers

Posted: 12 May 2019, 14:28
by Kellemora
A branch on a tree is part of the tree, just like your arms and legs are part of your body.

I haven't seen any arms or legs running around without a body.

OK, I'll give it to you this way.
If we evolved from apes through a series of evolutionary forms.
And since we still have Apes, why do we not have Neanderthals?

I do see what you are driving at though.
Both Apes and Humans are assumed to have a common ancestor, but each divided into different branches.

The problem in the above consideration is, from the common ancestor down the Ape line, there have been no changes.
But from the common ancestor down the human line, they show over nine different evolutionary steps.
Now it is only logical that if from the common ancestor we have Chimpanzee's, Binobo's and Gorilla's unchanged.
Why would the versions of man have changed nine times.
Seems to me, that would cause nine different species of man, and all nine should still be alive in their own branches.

Re: Evolutionary Leftovers

Posted: 12 May 2019, 18:51
by yogi
Part of evolution theory is survival of the fittest. Gorillas were more suited to deal with their evolutionary stage than were Neanderthals. Each stage of evolution is independent. We humans certainly don't need apes in order to survive, nor do we need Neanderthals. Once a certain stage of development is achieved, the task becomes survival. A pool of evolutionary achievers may die off for one reason or another, but that has no baring on it's ancestors' nor it's successors' survival rate. Today's version of humans would not exist if Neanderthal wasn't present to offer the building material. They could not sustain after we arrived, and it remains to be seen how long we will survive. (I'm guessing the species of intelligent life that succeeds us will be androids)

Re: Evolutionary Leftovers

Posted: 13 May 2019, 16:45
by Kellemora
The way things are going, we will probably kill ourselves off first.
Thus giving the Cockroaches a chance at evolving into the dominant creature of planet earth.