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Re: reindeer and aurora!

Posted: 08 Jan 2017, 19:24
by tomsk
it was the start of the roller coaster 2016......

Re: reindeer and aurora!

Posted: 10 Jan 2017, 23:12
by imhotep the 2nd
Well said vikki....although this time last year, I wasn't well at all. I was referred to the hospital a few times, due to stomach problems.
My Christmas didn't go very well either, and was off work for a time, and I was confined at home trying to get better.
MY GP gave me a dose of Ranitidine tablets which took it's time to have any effect. I had an endoscopy at the hospital which was very uncomfortable and a good female friend of mine took me to the hospital. After the appointment the nurse said the local anaesthetic which they sprayed down my mouth would go away eventually. It took at least 3 to 4 days to go away. Every time I swallowed food or drink it was so painful. So I decided to have soup all the time. I lost quite a bit of weight because of this. I wasn't very fat in the first place so I had to wear a trouser belt. Haha.

My next appointment in the hospital was to see the doctor for a consultation to receive an ultrasound appointment which I had to wait for a short ttime.
That was much more comfortable than the endoscopy, but the male nurse injected me with some sort of fluid through a tube in my arm, which made me feel a bit nauseous. All in all, the end results came through. I was told that I have a slight inflammation of the duodenum and one of my kidneys has a slight abnormality. So at the moment, there's nothing too seriously wrong with me. I still have slight tummy upsets now and again.
My older brother who is a GP is watching over me so to speak to see how I get on.
I cannot make an appointment with him though due to ethical laws or something like that. So I have to see someone else at his surgery.

Enjoying my two weeks off work at the moment. Oh yes, I don't like getting up early on cold winter mornings, so I'm enjoying sleeping on in the morning.
LOL I prefer leisure over work any day, although it's a source of income I guess.

Re: reindeer and aurora!

Posted: 10 Jan 2017, 23:28
by imhotep the 2nd
So I have to watch what I eat now. I've changed white bread for wholemeal bread which is a lot healthier and tastes just as great. I have olive oil light butter spread which is nice too. Makes great toast too!! :grin:

I also have to be careful how much I drink as well. Although I'm a moderate drinker of alcohol anyway. I enjoy a glass of light ale and red wine, or white wine. The only spirits I somewhat enjoy are port, schnapps and sherry. But prefer lager, ale and red wine though.
When I'm working, I enjoy either porridge or weetabix, or a small portion of bitesize honey nut shredded wheat mixed with porridge.
Oh yes, I try not to over eat either. I doubt if I could stomach a three course dinner!!! Phew.... :bleh:

Re: reindeer and aurora!

Posted: 11 Jan 2017, 00:48
by yogi
That is quite a regimen you go through to stay healthy. Is there any hope for the intestinal problem to sort itself out so that you can eat normal meals again?

Re: reindeer and aurora!

Posted: 12 Jan 2017, 00:23
by imhotep the 2nd
Well yogi, as long as I keep eating the healthy things, such as Bio-yogurt, wholemeal bread, semi skimmed milk, and not over indulge, I think I can manage my meals alright. I don't eat for eating sake though. If I stick to my usual regime I should be okay.
I'm not keen on eating too much rich food anyway. If someone gave me a whopping big pancake filled with clotted cream, and syrup and jam I think I could only manage some of it.
Today I enjoyed having chicken Kiev, mushy peas and potatoes for tea, then a small mince pie and custard. That was more than enough for me.

Re: reindeer and aurora!

Posted: 12 Jan 2017, 00:27
by imhotep the 2nd
I went to town with my mum this morning and we had a nice coffee in a local pub called Wetherspoon's and while we enjoyed our coffee and toast, we saw a huge man sitting opposite us and I'm not quite sure what he had, but he had quite a plateful of food.
You definitely won't see me with a rotund figure that's for sure. Oh no!!! In fact I've never put on a lot of weight in the past.
Some people are what you eat!!

Re: reindeer and aurora!

Posted: 12 Jan 2017, 00:28
by imhotep the 2nd
It's 12.25am right now and time for me to log off. So chat soon..

Re: reindeer and aurora!

Posted: 12 Jan 2017, 00:59
by tomsk

eat what you like but in moderation...
that's what I say..
there WAS A Christmas MENU where the total price was £70 ...utter madness...
It's impossible to eat £70 worth of grub...

Re: reindeer and aurora!

Posted: 12 Jan 2017, 12:31
by yogi
You are indeed what you eat, but your body adapts to your diet. Thus it is important to eat the right foods in a timely manner. Moderation is always a good thing, but variety and balance is equally important. Then there is exercise. They way walking 10,000 steps a day is what we should be doing. :thud:

Re: reindeer and aurora!

Posted: 13 Jan 2017, 00:37
by tomsk
Well I don't drive so I get most of my exercise by does keep the weight off and the old ticker ticking..

Re: reindeer and aurora!

Posted: 13 Jan 2017, 01:32
by yogi
I've heard walking is the best exercise of all. I would have thought something like swimming topped the list.

Re: reindeer and aurora!

Posted: 13 Jan 2017, 02:57
by tomsk
I like a good swim..
I must go soon as I've not been in ages..

Re: reindeer and aurora!

Posted: 13 Jan 2017, 16:49
by yogi
My wife swims all year long if you can call water aerobics swimming