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well, that was annoying.

Posted: 09 Feb 2016, 01:24
by pilvikki
I was suddenly super sleepy at 9 pm. so I thought ' let's try this installment sleep and see what happens...' or maybe just a nap? I lied down, lights still on - and simply crashed.

I woke up staring at the ceiling, looked and read my watch as 00.50.

and not a clue as to where I was!

yes, I gathered it was my room, but where? did I live in an apartment...? if so, where is this apartment, looks like in an old building...

eventually the right info dripped down, but how uncomfortable was that! also, after wandering into the kitchen and back I looked at my watch and it had changed its mind and was showing 10.45...

conclusion: for me the 2 sleeps method needs work. here it is 02.22 :rolleyes:

Re: well, that was annoying.

Posted: 09 Feb 2016, 12:43
by yogi
Sleep has always fascinated me. It got my attention way back when my voice was changing and I learned about hypnosis. As you probably know, there are various stages to a sleep cycle and we repeat the cycle several times a night. The thing is that the nature of the stages change a bit as we move on in years. Us more experienced folks seem not to dive as deep into the cycle as do the neophytes, for one. The duration of the cycle seems to shorten as well.

Lacking depth, so to speak, can create some odd experiences. If your timing is off and your consciousness beckons while you are not fully out of the dream stage, that state of disorientation you describe can easily occur. You can be half conscious while your subconscious mind is still charging it's batteries within a dream. So your conscious mind says WTF because it's not totally in control. It's in this state of mind where somnambulism (sleep walking) can occur.

The confusion is due to the conscious mind needing order and familiarity in it's sensory input stream, but it's getting random data that is not organized or sensible from the subconscious. It's kind of like reading your FB news stream vs what you read here. :lol:

Re: well, that was annoying.

Posted: 09 Feb 2016, 14:27
by pilvikki

I also have the apnea thing to deal with and have found that oxygen deprivation can really muddle things up and make dreams very vivid.

it took me to 6 o'clock to get back to sleep. my body was saying "i'm not moving unless there's something big and hungry behind me", but my mind was on spin cycle.

Re: well, that was annoying.

Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 17:17
by Icey
Being woken up for a week at 2 a.m., 4 a.m., and 6 a.m's, really put me out of sync. : (

Re: well, that was annoying.

Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 23:19
by pilvikki
ooh, that seriously sucks!

Re: well, that was annoying.

Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 01:01
by Icey
It's 1 a.m. right now, and I'm as lively as a cricket, when I should be resting. Impossible though.

Then I have to be up early, and I'll probably be asleep by 11 a.m. : (

Re: well, that was annoying.

Posted: 23 Feb 2016, 02:22
by tomsk
you should try working nights..

Re: well, that was annoying.

Posted: 23 Feb 2016, 21:23
by Icey
I think I sometimes do that already! : )

Re: well, that was annoying.

Posted: 24 Feb 2016, 00:13
by pilvikki
tried working night... did not go well....

late afternoon shift: perfect!

Re: well, that was annoying.

Posted: 24 Feb 2016, 00:35
by Icey
LOL. No shift'd suit me atm. I get tired at the most peculiar and unexpected times. Then I can almost be awake all night, but wouldn't like to put it to a working test.

Re: well, that was annoying.

Posted: 28 Feb 2016, 00:00
by pilvikki
it's amazing how fast one gets tired when required to stay awake... :bleh:

Re: well, that was annoying.

Posted: 28 Feb 2016, 01:06
by Icey
Absolutely true! Then when you go to bed because you think you're tired, you find that sleep won't arrive for hours!

Re: well, that was annoying.

Posted: 28 Feb 2016, 11:41
by pilvikki
and then you get cross because it's such a waste of time... :rolleyes:

Re: well, that was annoying.

Posted: 28 Feb 2016, 23:05
by Icey
LOL! And then get up and potter around ... and end up emailing at some ridiculous time of the day ... as is my wont.....

Re: well, that was annoying.

Posted: 02 Mar 2016, 00:23
by pilvikki
well, i'm now tired... let's see how long that'll last!

good night my good people!


Re: well, that was annoying.

Posted: 02 Mar 2016, 20:49
by Icey
I hope you slept well.