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71st Anniversary

Posted: 20 Nov 2015, 19:47
by yogi
So ... today I have been receiving a lot of birthday greetings. Unfortunately, they are all over on Facebook along with the people sending the messages. For those of you who do not indulge in that experience, here is the picture of the birthday present given to me by my wife of many years. :mrgreen:


Re: 71st Anniversary

Posted: 20 Nov 2015, 22:53
by Icey
A very happy birthday to you Yogi! Love the pic!!! :yikes:


Hope you've had a lovely day.

Re: 71st Anniversary

Posted: 21 Nov 2015, 00:05
by pilvikki
it really is your colour! :lol:


and here are the girls to dance for you. :)

funny how they seem to have missed so much skin while wearing that much material! :lol:

Re: 71st Anniversary

Posted: 21 Nov 2015, 06:02
by brandtrn
Happy belated birthday, Dennis! I hope that your day was fabulous!

Re: 71st Anniversary

Posted: 21 Nov 2015, 12:56
by yogi
Thank you ladies. Both wife and I were fighting off the effects of some flu-like disease (I'm guessing it was the flu even though she got the shot and I didn't), but managed to make it over to the local tacoria for a celebratory dinner. Upon leaving the taco palace the snow began and is at 5" early this morning. The only unusual part of all that is we had 60F for a few days earlier this week :rolleyes:

I'm not sure when I'll get to use the chaps this season. The chain saw doesn't work so well on snow covered trees:


Re: 71st Anniversary

Posted: 21 Nov 2015, 14:01
by pilvikki
snow looks so lovely when you don't have to drive in it.... nice picture!

we also have some funky weather happening here: it was 71° yesterday. then the wind set in. it's the dreaded Tramontane, cousin of the infamous and vicious Mistral. it's supposed to be tamer than the mistral blasting in the provence, but BH! I know I could not handle that, this is just about my limit!

at first it was the dull roar of the wind, sullen, dark skies. then it set to haling so hard you barely saw 100' across the valley. now it's all sunny again, but the trees are bending over and the neighbour's shutter is slamming back and forth like shotgun blasts. where is that twit anyway....?

atm it's 46°, 'real feel' 30. brrr... I hate these sudden shifts of drastic temp changes. my old body takes too long to adjust - and then it flips again. :bleh:



Re: 71st Anniversary

Posted: 21 Nov 2015, 19:31
by yogi
UPDATE: I'm feeling pretty good now. Wife is still recovering.
Snow is still falling. We are @ 10" and counting.



Re: 71st Anniversary

Posted: 21 Nov 2015, 20:36
by pilvikki
speedy recovery for her!

those pictures are gorgeous, dennis! :clap:

Re: 71st Anniversary

Posted: 21 Nov 2015, 23:06
by Icey
Yes, hope you both feel well again soon. With these dramatic weather changes, bugs galore seem to be floating about.

I didn't realise those snowy pics were recent ones. How fabulous! We'll probably get some overnight, but not as wonderful as yours. I love it when it snows, but of course, driving in it's not good, and pretty impossible sometimes. It's now minus outside, and the paths're icing up. We've still got the remains of storm Barney floating around. It's wrecked some of our fencing and two gates.

Re: 71st Anniversary

Posted: 22 Nov 2015, 12:38
by yogi
That's the forest I'll be going into with my neon orange chaps if the snow ever melts. The first snowfall of the year is always pretty but not always as heavy as this one. Downtown Chicago is 25 miles from here and they didn't get any snow at all. The forest is one of the beautiful things about our house, but it's also the source of much of the pollen and fungus affecting my wife's allergies. It's making us think seriously about moving to a more desert-like area. I don't expect to see much grass until next March. Then again, maybe global warming and El Niño will change all that this year.

Re: 71st Anniversary

Posted: 22 Nov 2015, 13:08
by Icey
The snowfall should make the air healthier though Yogi. If it doesn't kill off a lot of the bugs, at least they'll lie dormant for a while, but sorry to hear that your wife suffers from allergies caused by having woodland so close. It's nice where you live though, and despite it all, I still think you're lucky to have snow like that, although it probably doesn't feel like it from the recipients point of view.

Re: 71st Anniversary

Posted: 22 Nov 2015, 16:05
by yogi
Truth is we have lived here nearly thirty years with even more forestation than is present these days. Wife's allergies have been with her since childhood and were a problem even when she lived in the city with very few surrounding trees. But, alas, it doesn't take much. The snow is not only beautiful, but it does exactly what you say. The fungus and pollen in the air drops dramatically and wife tends to breath a lot easier; when she doesn't have the flu. :sad:

Re: 71st Anniversary

Posted: 22 Nov 2015, 22:11
by Icey
Aww, bless you both. Just keep warm and take plenty of fluids and rest. Flu, as opposed to simply a lousy cold, can take some shifting and make a person feel awful. Hope your wife's breathing improves soon.