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Posted: 31 Oct 2015, 01:07
by pilvikki
first one in 20 years - and I really would have preferred not to have it this time either... so weird, just out of the blue. the jaw felt a bit funny for a day or two, then, suddenly


and, of course! it's Friday night....



Re: toothache...

Posted: 31 Oct 2015, 08:05
by brandtrn
Ouch is right!!! And, for some reason, toothaches almost *always* occur during non-business hours. The last time I had a bad toothache, it was on the weekend, and the whole right side of my face was swollen. Turns out I had an abscess, so I ended up at our local urgent care clinic for antibiotics and pain meds. Thank Heaven for such places, or I'd have suffered dreadfully throughout that weekend!

Re: toothache...

Posted: 31 Oct 2015, 11:30
by yogi
I haven't tested this out lately, but our dentist, or one of his associates, is on call during the weekends. Many years ago we called the hot line and were in his office a couple hours later, ON SUNDAY. Then again, the fact we are neighbors might have helped, but he claims everyone gets the same response.

Re: toothache...

Posted: 31 Oct 2015, 17:10
by pilvikki
well, punkin called up and got his answering service telling her that due to an unexpected number of people needing emergency appointments, there's a line up! if he can fit me in, she'll call back, otherwise I can take a dec 4th slot.

what? seems to me she's not had a toothache lately... :bleh: it seems to be ok at the moment, but if it kicks up into high gear again, i'll just have to waddle off to the hospital. blergh.

in Canada I always had my dentists' home numbers, so I could just call - and yes, it seems always on a damn weekend...

Re: toothache...

Posted: 01 Nov 2015, 06:59
by brandtrn
My current dentist, too, always has somebody on call for emergencies. Didn't find him until I had a front tooth break on the job on a Sunday night. Was in his office the following morning, the tooth was repaired, and that was when I cut my former dentist loose!

Re: toothache...

Posted: 01 Nov 2015, 11:53
by pilvikki
finding good dentists here is like looking for an honest car mechanic... 3 of them told me 'there is nothing wrong with that tooth' and then, one day I pulled my lip back and i'm staring at an abscess, clearly visible. so, then, the last dentist took an x-ray and showed me where the root canal had not been done properly - and even I could see that myself! roots don't generally end in a U with square corners...

so wtf?

strangely enough, today's problem tooth stopped hurting. i'm thinking that's not a good thing, but it sure feels better...

Re: toothache...

Posted: 02 Nov 2015, 16:11
by Icey
Sometimes, when you know that treatment's imminent, tooth problems miraculously disappear!

Re: toothache...

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 21:48
by pilvikki
and so it has vanished!

Friday night, no sleep, despite drugging myself to my eyebrows, Saturday ditto. Sunday easing up, yesterday managed with a couple of 1 mg codeine pills, today....

no problem painwise, but face still swollen.

tomorrow is my appointment, the dentist is skipping lunch.

maybe I should bring him some...?

Re: toothache...

Posted: 05 Nov 2015, 23:05
by Icey
If he doesn't hurt you, go one better and INVITE him to lunch! LOL! Best of luck when you go for the treatment anyway.

Re: toothache...

Posted: 06 Nov 2015, 12:49
by pilvikki
naw... i'll pass.

he actually is a bit rough, like most dentists that have been at it for ever. but then again, we're talking a wisdom tooth at the back of the barn... I can see that'll be loads of fun for both him and me.


Re: toothache...

Posted: 06 Nov 2015, 18:52
by Icey
It won't necessarily be any worse than treating another tooth hun. I've had all mine taken out, and they were less problematic than one which literally had to be chiselled out because a root was wrapped round the next tooth. That was horrendous, but the wisdom teeth posed no problem. x

Re: toothache...

Posted: 06 Nov 2015, 22:14
by pilvikki
I have TMJ problem, so its location almost next to my ear - well, almost, lol - will be a huge problem; I have to take a painkiller so I can handle holding my maw gaping all the time it's going to take.

but, on the brighter side, the freezing won't be as bad back there....

Re: toothache...

Posted: 07 Nov 2015, 02:42
by brandtrn
Do you not have access to an oral surgeon where you are? I'd rather go to one of those than to a dentist for an extraction, especially if more than one tooth is involved. I very much appreciated the IV sedation and the use of the nitrous oxide when I had my last extractions done (that abscess I mentioned previously ended up involving three teeth, NONE of which could be saved!). The whole procedure was done within about ten minutes, I ended up with a few dissolving stitches, and a prescription for some killer pain meds, and I can honestly say that I got through the procedure AND the recovery with minimal discomfort! I hope the guy is still in practice if/when I ever need further extractions done...and I should have gone to him for implants afterwards, rather than doing it on the cheap and getting a partial made to replace my missing teeth.

Re: toothache...

Posted: 07 Nov 2015, 22:29
by Icey
You can't beat IV sedation can you? I have it all the time, since local anaesthetics don't take on me for some obscure reason. Luckily, my dentist was a doctor before going into dentistry full-time. He, along with a trained nurse gives the sedation, and I can only speak highly of it.

Re: toothache...

Posted: 09 Nov 2015, 22:59
by pilvikki
this guy is an oral surgeon. I hope he's good... :rolleyes:

and guess what! a piece of my right side wisdom tooth fell out today! so that covers left wisdom, right wisdom, bottom, and now the 3rd right on top with the abscess. I believe there's cream soup in my future....

i'm literally falling apart.


Re: toothache...

Posted: 09 Nov 2015, 23:23
by Icey
Something must be causing this dental rot. Either there's an infection which hasn't been treated properly, or you want to look at your medication and see if it's having any bearing on weakening your teeth. There seems to be a lot happening at once, so hope you can get this sorted out. x

Re: toothache...

Posted: 11 Nov 2015, 00:36
by pilvikki
yeah, been wondering about that.

i'm probably grinding my teeth more...


Re: toothache...

Posted: 11 Nov 2015, 13:53
by Icey
Perhaps, but would that cause actual toothache?

Re: toothache...

Posted: 11 Nov 2015, 17:31
by brandtrn
Long-term grinding can cause small cracks in the tooth enamel, leaving the tooth far more vulnerable to decay and infection, so yes, I imagine that it can directly be responsible for eventual toothaches.

Re: toothache...

Posted: 11 Nov 2015, 18:39
by Icey
Thanks Cindy - I never thought of that.