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Yes, I DO hate people...

Posted: 25 Jun 2015, 06:08
by brandtrn
...and no, we won't even go into the reasons why I hate them. The last week of psychotic chronic pain spinal surgery patients and ultra-manipulative prison patients (it appears that one of our orthopedic surgeons has a contract with a prison) is too much for me to go into. Suffice it to say, I effing HATE PEOPLE!! 'Nuff said.

And if my reason for hating people (and patients) isn't enough, trust's NOTHING compared to the reasons I hate MANAGEMENT in that effing hospital! Effing bastards have managed, once again, to schedule another "mandatory" staff meeting ON MY EFFING DAY OFF! That's right, folks...with the rain and flash-flood warnings projected for this area within the next few hours, I'm expected to be OUT IN THAT CRAP in order to attend a staff meeting, again, ON MY EFFING DAY OFF!!! Bastards!

I DID manage to get *somewhat* even with the management jerks, however. They've been asking (or shall I say, harassing?) me these past two weeks to switch days on a schedule that's been posted for WEEKS...normally, I'm flexible as Hell, and will have no problem with it. of my favorite colleagues, after being written up multiple times for stupid stuff, turned in her notice late last month. She offered to work out a 30-day notice rather than a two-week notice, only to be told, "no, two weeks is sufficient." When she offered to remain PRN (as needed), she was told that "we have no PRN positions available." WELL! As awfully as she was treated and as she was assured that her help was NOT needed, I decided to let management deal with the very predictable "staff shortage" situation, especially as they had not managed to replace her, yet. Screw them! Yes, I COULD have done it...but why the eff SHOULD I??? It seems that in EVERY "mandatory" staff meeting, all they REALLY want to do is to bitch us out for stupid stuff -- s**t that's usually done by only one (or maybe two) idiots which SHOULD have been dealt with via individual counseling and perhaps additional education for the staff members involved. But NOOOOOOO!!! They want to take ALL of us to task for the actions of one or two errant individuals, and I get to, for the second month in a row, waste part of MY DAY OFF in order to hear this BS! Is it any wonder that there just wasn't any way that I could see fit to re-adjust my schedule this week??!!?? Eff, no!! Let those management jerks deal, just for ONE EFFING SHIFT, with the s**t that the REST of us have to deal with on a day-to-day basis! Maybe if they have to actually DO our jobs, even if only for ONE shift, they might possibly be a little bit more appreciative of us...especially those of us on the night shift, who make it possible for those effing management c***s to SLEEP at night! Those of you who know me know quite well that I've done nursing management before...been there, didn't like it! But the fact that these bitches seem to actually LIKE their positions means that they've not actually had to EARN their way in them! When I was in management, if we were short-staffed, it was ME, without question, who stepped up to fill in the gap, and no, I DIDN'T harass non-management, non-salaried staff to pick up the slack. If they said "no," then they said no. Once the schedule is posted, you're NOT supposed to harass your staff just so YOU won't have to actually WORK! They HAD adequate staff at one time, and still WOULD, if they hadn't assured my former colleague that her help was not needed (or wanted!). So...let the management bitches actually WORK for a change, rather than continually trying to micro-manage those of us who actually GET the job done!

Not much else to bitch about today. On a happier note, I found out today that my daughter Melanie's unborn child is a girl, this time! How awesome it will be for me to have a little granddaughter to spoil! As much as I love my grandson, William (and I DO adore him!), I just can't WAIT to start shopping for all kinds of adorable "girly" clothes for our new little one, who's due in November! As awesome as Will is (and he IS awesome!), he just doesn't seem to care about what he wears. Of course, if Lydia (my not-yet-born granddaughter) is anything like her mother, she'll be exactly the same! My Melanie was SUCH a tomboy, and never wore a dress except to rip it up and stain it. Still...I'll be shopping to my heart's content for little baby dresses, and, who knows? Melanie might actually accidentally give birth to a little "girly" girl, who'll LOVE dressing up in pretty things!! Not likely, but Grandma can always hope, can't she?? Seriously, though, even if she's a tomboy like Mel, I'll be thrilled...all I really want is for my granddaughter is to be born as healthy as my little grandson is. But I'm SO happy that Melanie has chosen such a lovely, old-fashioned name for her baby girl! Can't wait to actually hold that precious little one!

Re: Yes, I DO hate people...

Posted: 25 Jun 2015, 13:49
by yogi
Us people not in the health care profession have heard about those extreme characters in our society you describe but I doubt that any of us had to deal with them directly. The only thing I can think of as being worse than caring for these patients is to be one of them. Your disgust with humanity is truly justified, I'm sure.

From the patient side of a hospital bed I could never understand the reasoning behind scheduling duty time for nurses. I know that with a staff as large as the nursing pool in a hospital there will be shortages of available help. I can imagine ways to handle that, but then again I never had to deal with the realities. Be that as it may, why can't nurses have some regularity in their work schedules? During any given week a patient is likely to have five different nurses each working shift. I don't think I've ever seen one nurse work three consecutive days the same hours on the same floor. Juggling the patient load against the available staff can't be easy, but hey. That's why computers were invented. There are programs that can figure this all out and lighten the load on the supervisor a bit. Unfortunately, there is no computer solution to compensate for human stupidity. Few managers can anticipate the reaction to all their decisions, but how do the most incompetent among them ever reach the top? I guess there really is such a thing as the Peter Principle:
An observation that in an organizational hierarchy, every employee will rise or get promoted to his or her level of incompetence.

As far as grandchildren go, they are even more therapeutic than having a pet dog or cat. Most of the kids are cuter than our four legged companions, especially the females. Spoiling the grandchildren is a requirement. I'm thinking it might even be a law in most places. I don't know how I'd react to having a tom-boy for a grandchild, but it's likely to be the best of both worlds. You don't often see a Miss Teenage America that can play hockey too, but I'm betting there are a few of them out there. I don't need to tell you that they grow up quicker than you would expect. Enjoy them while you got them. I remember clearly when my first granddaughter was born. She just graduated from Fordam this year. It's hard to believe that I'm that old.

Re: Yes, I DO hate people...

Posted: 25 Jun 2015, 15:58
by brandtrn
Yes, they DO grow up, and far too quickly! It seems that it was only yesterday that MY girls were little ones, and here I am, now in my fifties, with one daughter who'll be 29 next month and another who'll be 27 in November, right around the time she'll be giving birth to my second grandchild! If I have any regrets in life, it's that I spent so many hours at work while my babies were little and that I missed so very many precious hours with them. What DOES one do? By working as I did, I definitely assured them of more comfort in the way of material things while growing up and of them having a good work ethic as adults (which BOTH of them do, by the way!), but I can't say that it completely makes up for what we *all* missed, which was more "quality" time together. And, as quickly as THEY grew up, I can only imagine how quickly the time will pass for me while my grandchildren are growing up. Will is already almost three, but I can remember holding him as a tiny baby and it seems like it was only yesterday :-(

Re: Yes, I DO hate people...

Posted: 25 Jun 2015, 17:39
by tomsk
I like nice people..

Re: Yes, I DO hate people...

Posted: 25 Jun 2015, 22:39
by imhotep the 2nd
Likewise tomsk
I agree with brandtrn though. My young nephews are grown up now, more or less, or should I say WELL grown up as they both tower above me, even though I'm about 5' 10".
What do youngsters eat these days?? Fertiliser....only kidding there.
I used to look down on them at one time and they were both very well behaved, but they did have their naughty moments.
I remember the oldest Robert being very inquisitive when he was a little boy asking me "Why this?" and "Why that?"
It really shows why he's the brainiest of the two sons that my older brother has. He's following his dads footsteps in becoming a GP, or something similar.
They've both grown up to be very handsome young men and the youngest Stephen has got a Gf. Good lad!
Robert is too busy to have a Gf atm because he's so involved with his College work and has been to Canada to improve his skills. Lucky him!!
I'm the only one of the family who hasn't been to America. :sad:
Maybe one day in future I will.

Re: Yes, I DO hate people...

Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 00:47
by Icey
First of all, I'd like to say congratulations to Cindy and her family. Having another grandchild'll be lovely, and I think Yogi's right - one of the requirements of being a good grandparent is that they can spoil the little ones to death and enjoy every minute of it.
We took our youngest son for his hospital check-up today. He's been in remission from cancer for 4 years, and his next, and last visit'll be in January next year now, so he's done extremely well considering that he was at death's door when he was first diagnosed.
I love my children dearly, but this illness made me realise what we stand to lose when things go wrong, so every minute was spent in doing whatever it took to make him well again, and luckily I can't thank the doctors and nurses enough. They've been brilliant, but it leads me on to how hard they work, full stop. One nurse was recently telling me that she'd done 10 days of 12-hour shifts. She was then entitled to time off in lieu, but by the time she'd recovered from the stint, it was almost time to go back on duty again because it took her several days to get over the weariness. Today, that same nurse was on again. She came over for a chat and I joked that she might as well move in on the ward. She said that she does the work out of love, but at the same time, it's played havoc with her family and social life. I don't think it's fair to expect staff to do this, and then, as I mentioned in a previous post, when these people DO take a holiday and they're being run ragged at work, they bring in agency staff who earn a lot more than the permanent workers. There's no justice is there?
Going back to children growing up quickly - tell me about it! I can't believe that I now have two young men who'll be leaving school soon.
Like imhotep's nephews, mine tower above me, and it doesn't seem 5 minutes since they were babies, but every year brings a new phase of life, and I love watching them develop. Fortunately (for me) I was able to stay at home with them, so I've missed nothing of their growing up, but I'd like nothing more now, than to hold a grandchild. You're very lucky Cindy, and Yogi as well. Grandparents have so much to offer. So long as they grow up healthy and happy, you've done a great job.