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More health issues in the fam...

Posted: 03 May 2017, 03:32
by brandtrn
Husband freaking out, as usual. This time, perhaps he has a reason, for a change. He visited the Doc yesterday, and was told that he wouldn't need to be seen again for another 3 months. But today, we got a call back saying they want to see him again ASAP as a result of his labs. While I'm hoping that any concerning results may have been the result of a hemolyzed specimen, I admit that I'm concerned. That they want to see him again right away is rather worrisome for me, too. Keeping fingers, toes and eyes crossed that any not-so-good results are the result of a poorly drawn specimen and nothing else...and, of course, they'll tell us NOTHING over the phone. So, we'll have to wait until such time as they see fit to tell us tomorrow what they think the problem is :worry:

Re: More health issues in the fam...

Posted: 03 May 2017, 11:29
by yogi
You know better than I do. It's never good news when the doctor wants to see you instead of the other way round. Fear and trepidation are in order, and I have the same kind of concerns that you do. Different labs give different results, and we pray to the gods that the pathologist knows what they are talking about. Hoping for the best here. Keep us posted about any major turn of events.

Re: More health issues in the fam...

Posted: 03 May 2017, 13:53
by pilvikki
ouch. but also why 3 month? i didn't think they normally want to see that much of you... and then you need to wait for the new results, too?

well, fingers and toes crossed it's just to double check something.

Re: More health issues in the fam...

Posted: 03 May 2017, 22:14
by brandtrn
Pilvikki, they've been wanting to see him every 3 months because he's a new type 2 diabetic and he's not managing his blood sugar as he should. Not near enough in the way of proper diet and exercise and blood sugar through the roof. We'll find out tomorrow about any other suspected problems. Will definitely keep you posted.

Re: More health issues in the fam...

Posted: 04 May 2017, 11:17
by pilvikki
ah, well, that's a problem.

see, if this might help, it's under the Tough Love label: two of the gang i hung around with in canada were diabetic. both smokers, drikers, obese. bruce was told that he had to quit the smoking and the drinking, lose 100 lbs. "well... that ain't gonna happen!" says bruce and laughs. he died 2 years later, at 50 something, left a couple of teens behind.

bill, even bigger than bruce. said he'd enjoy his life the way he wanted - and when it was done, he'd be done. so, he was done at 47. 47....

so tell the stubborn git he'd better smarten up for this is not a game where he gets to set the rules.

good luck! :loveu:

Re: More health issues in the fam...

Posted: 04 May 2017, 11:46
by yogi
I dropped 50 pounds, started a regular exercise program (walking), and learned a whole lot about glycymic load/index, and adjusted my diet to keep the carb count under control. Since I do a lot of the cooking that last item was easy. After a few years the doctor decided I'm not diabetic after all and he declared I'm glucose intolerant. The hardest part was applying the will power to turn down desserts that people liked to taunt me with.

Re: More health issues in the fam...

Posted: 04 May 2017, 13:22
by pilvikki
yes indeed. i really ought to take my own advice, but bugger, it's hard when one is surrounded by sweets....

Re: More health issues in the fam...

Posted: 04 May 2017, 14:28
by yogi
It's only hard the first few times. Then it becomes a badge of honor. Then too, you have a choice to live as best you can, or not.

Re: More health issues in the fam...

Posted: 04 May 2017, 19:39
by Kellemora
I know this won't alleviate your concern until you do find out why they called him back.
But I've been called to come back several times, and as you said, they never tell you why.
In my case it was either because they forgot to draw one of the samples, or the samples they did draw were defective, either that or the Vampire loved my blood, hi hi...
Only once in all the times I was called back was it because the doc was concerned over something. They gave me a drug I had a bad but unknown interaction with, that showed up on a lab report. They took me off the drug, but not until it caused a new problem, which they say was not caused by the drug, ha. That's why there are so many lawsuits against the drug company, because it didn't cause the problem, yeah right!