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Re: Show Me

Posted: 15 Aug 2016, 13:13
by yogi
Do I need to be Swedish in order to pronounce that?

Re: Show Me

Posted: 15 Aug 2016, 17:28
by Kellemora
I hear ya on the origin of names sometime becoming confusing.

The frau and I were in the grocery store and we saw they placed some new products (for them) on a store shelf.
We both chuckled when we read the name Kohinoor, because we both know that name as a maker of drawing pens and inks. Like the Rapidograph and others.
Turns out Kohinoor is a Diamond, and like several companies use Diamond in their, so it is with Kohinoor.
Glad we didn't pick up any of their products, considering where they were made. Might be OK, but why take the chance.

Re: Show Me

Posted: 15 Aug 2016, 20:55
by pilvikki
naw, it's easy when you take it apart dennis: hues-kvahrna. stress rather even across. there, no problem.

Kohinoor, it's something 'light', right?

had to look it up and it's mountain of light and the moutain sure got around:

Re: Show Me

Posted: 15 Aug 2016, 22:42
by Icey
I used to eat at a Kohinoor Indian restaurant! : )

Re: Show Me

Posted: 16 Aug 2016, 16:51
by Kellemora
I guess what one does for a living, and the names they see in the industry sometimes never fade away.

I used Kohinoor drafting pens and inks, and although I've not been in that industry for over thirty years, I bumped into someone a few years back who said they were from Ames, Iowa. My immediate response was, I toured the O.E. Olsen company many long years ago, back in the late '70s. The guy said his dad worked there his whole life, but they moved away after he retired. He worked at Wrico after their move, but not in the pen department, he was in the finishing department for the lettering guides. He didn't say what state that was, and his wife was tugging him by the ear to quit talking so they could finish shopping, hi hi...

Had a tiff with the bosses back in those days over my expensive AR Pens. One of the draftsmen could not match my lettering on a drawing. I had been using AR Pens for six years before moving to this company, and their line size was exact to Wrico pen sizes. Should be, Wrico made the AR series pens using the same tip tubes they used in all their pens.
I was told to take my AR pens home and use the company supplied pens, which were the same brand, just not as high quality.
I knew the problem was NOT with my pens, and even got a letter from Wrico stating the pen tips were identical on all of their pens. The boss didn't care, neither did the boss one step higher up.
I found the same problem working on some drawings made by others. The lettering I was adding to the drawing were not identical to the letters already there, yet we all used the same templates. So I did some study on the templates and found one of the templates was bad, mis-registered or something.
I didn't want to get into another tiff with the boss, so I added the mis-registered template into the users pool and cobbed one I know was right and kept it in my set at my desk.
After the boss blaming my pens on the problem, I just sat back and waited for others to mess up drawings with a bad template, especially drawing I never worked on myself, so they couldn't blame me for any more problems. Although they did try by saying I must have worked on that drawing, which I could easily prove I never touched.
One of the guys who was the one and only employee to ever work on a set of drawings, added a few new sheets and he used the defective guide to print the letters. About a week later, I knew he would be working on those same drawings again, so I went to the user pool and moved the bad template to the back and a few of the good ones up front.
You should have seen the look on his face when he could not match the lettering on the drawings he was the only one who worked on. Since he was the bosses pet draftsman, I said perhaps you should tell the boss he should switch to AR pens, since these low grade pens are a pain to use. He switched pens and still had the same problem.
I let him rant rave and fume for over an hour, because he knew he would have to do like three days of work all over again.
I finally told him. You can blame it on me like the boss did, but I know what the problem is and it had nothing to do with my AR pens. Well, he put two and two together and went and got a brand new template from the supply room. Even so, he didn't know which of the 20 some odd templates in the user pool was the bad one, since they all look identical.
I knew which one was bad, because after the incident with my pen set, I jotted down the serial number of each template I used and on which drawings, just in case I hit another bad template.
A close friend and coworker of mine got out some drawing to work on, and I noticed he managed to grab the defective template. I leaned over and said, put that template back and get another one or you'll be sorry. He did, but also took the template he had to the boss and said the template must be bad, because I told him to go get a different one.
The boss came storming over to my desk. If you knew the template was bad, why didn't you tell me? You're the boss and you told me it was my AR pens that caused the problem, and who am I to question the boss. You also did not believe the letter from Wrico explaining all their pens use the same tip tubes and still blamed my AR pens. Just because I figured out what the problem was, and the matter was already settled by taking my pens home, I figured you would learn some day not to blame something or someone that was proven as not at fault.
No I didn't get fired! In fact, I didn't quit for over a year later when I was not given the position I was trained for, and they broke their own rules by hiring against a longstanding company policy.
Turns out, it was a good thing I quit when I did, because the company went through several drastic changes, including moving to a new location over fifty miles away.
OK, Off my Soapbox, hi hi...

Re: Show Me

Posted: 16 Aug 2016, 17:16
by pilvikki
hehe, some bosses have reached their lever of incompetence... come to think of it, most of them have.

when i first started nailing together the Dash - 8 wing spars, i kept making a mistake on a very simply bracket that should have been the simplest thing ever. the next one i got right but eventually another screw up! i was stumped. then Charlie, my trainer said "don't worry about it, everybody gets it wrong all the time!"


i got out the blueprints for both sides, and discovered the blueprints listed identical brackets, rather than being the opposites as required. so every time we drilled off the left side, it was wrong.


Re: Show Me

Posted: 17 Aug 2016, 18:10
by Kellemora
When I was doing historic home renovations, you wouldn't believe the number of mistakes architects made on the drawings.
On normal renovations, the errors were a lot less, but still had several.

It sure didn't help when the materials delivered were not to spec for historical homes.
The most common mistake we ran across was the width of the walls we had to match.
Most historical homes have six inch thick or greater interior walls, so modern prehung doors designed for four and a half inch thick walls simply do not fit, hi hi...
We even had a load of doors delivered once for three and a half inch thick walls. The architect said he ordered them because they will work with a trim panel he also ordered, without cutting. I don't know how he expected a three-quarter inch thick trim panel to slip into a one-quarter inch groove. But hey, that's why they get the big bucks eh!

I think the best one we ever hit was, install ten foot tall doors in an executive office with nine foot ceilings, hi hi...

Re: Show Me

Posted: 17 Aug 2016, 22:15
by pilvikki
awesome! lol!

my favourite had to be the Kevlar wing panel with the honeycomb on the outside. :lol:

Re: Show Me

Posted: 03 Sep 2016, 13:05
by yogi
There are many surprises here in my new home town, but this morning the best of them all (so far) crossed my field of vision. As I was eating my usual sunrise breakfast a couple hot air balloons floated across the eastern horizon. The pictures don't do them justice given that they were taken with my cell phone camera - I had no time to grab my real camera. It was an awesome sight and there may be hope for this place after all.


Re: Show Me

Posted: 03 Sep 2016, 20:52
by Icey
Nice one Yogi! We see hot air balloons going over quite frequently during the summer months, but it's a novelty when it doesn't happen very often. Have you and your wife been up in one? I imagine there's a facility quite near to you. It's good fun, but I found it scary.

Re: Show Me

Posted: 03 Sep 2016, 21:04
by pilvikki
that sounds great!

we don't see them here but they do pop up in Toulouse and on the coast. me in one? not going to happen...

interesting fence arrangement btw. :mrgreen:

Re: Show Me

Posted: 03 Sep 2016, 21:05
by Kellemora
A hot air balloon contest takes place every year at Forest Park. The sky will be filled with balloons of all shapes and sizes.

Re: Show Me

Posted: 03 Sep 2016, 21:28
by Icey
Fabulous Gary!

There's ballooning going off quite near to us tomorrow, as a matter of fact. You can book a ride right through until November in some places, but in the main, this's the last month of the year for such an activity.

Vikks - I closed my eyes for most of the ride!!!

Re: Show Me

Posted: 03 Sep 2016, 21:50
by pilvikki
I'd have to look, too nosy. and then I'd have freak-out thoughts afterwards... :rolleyes:

Re: Show Me

Posted: 04 Sep 2016, 13:08
by yogi
Apparently the Great Forest Park Balloon Race has been going on for 44 years Being new to the area I was totally surprised to see anything like hot air balloons floating around - none were visible today, by the way. A couple dozen years ago when visiting our children in Colorado, my mom decided she wanted to take to the air. She was the only one brave enough to do it. I think I could deal with being aloft like that, but my wife of many years could not. She has trouble with flights of stairs and closes her eyes when we cross over bridges while driving. The only balloonists I've seen over the years were out in the country. The ones around here are pretty close to civilization. There will be 70 balloons in the race coming up, and I suppose a lot of random observers too. They all have to come down somewhere, and hopefully it won't be on top of some small town municipal center. :lol:

The fencing in my neighborhood was one of the first things to catch my eye. How can you miss such a strange tangle of plastic? The ones in the picture belong to the row houses on the right. Us folks on the left have detached single family homes. As often happens these days subdivision do not have normal tic-tac-toe grids for streets. They wind and curve and end up in cul de sacs. The homes attached to those fences are on what can best be described as a kidney bean layout. It must have been a nightmare for the surveyors to plot. I think it would look a lot better if the lots were shorter, or if there were no fences at all. Then again, I guess those people have kids and dogs and other critters they don't want roaming about. The interesting thing is that we seldom see anyone in those back yards during the week. All the action is on weekends. I guess some people still work for a living.

Re: Show Me

Posted: 04 Sep 2016, 16:04
by Kellemora
There are tons of activities held at Forest Park, and over the years the crowds kept growing until it is almost impossible to find a place to park to join in the phun anymore.
If you get a chance, you should go visit the Science Center. They always have the latest and greatest stuff there. Then they store things in the basement for 20 years before sending them to Knoxville to display, hi hi...

Re: Show Me

Posted: 05 Sep 2016, 22:40
by yogi
We went to the mall today because we got tired of this country living and needed a dose of reality. While strolling the walkways we came across these kids bouncing and flying high. It was tempting, but wife didn't want to try it.

Image Image

Re: Show Me

Posted: 05 Sep 2016, 22:51
by Icey
Great fun if you don't mind heights.

Re: Show Me

Posted: 05 Sep 2016, 23:15
by yogi
This gal was doing flips at the top of her jump. Obviously she has done this before. She had to be some 20-25 feet above the trampoline, but all those safety ropes and harness made it pretty safe.

Re: Show Me

Posted: 05 Sep 2016, 23:41
by pilvikki
your wife is a sensible woman...
