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Ad Blocking Blocked in Chrome

Posted: 30 May 2019, 23:01
by yogi
It had to happen eventually, but I didn't realize it was already in the works over at Google. Their Chrome browser will be updated to make many ad blockers dysfunctional in the not too distant future. I guess it makes sense given that Google feeds off of ad revenues. Too bad if their users don't agree with the new policy. ... 3321e3751f

Re: Ad Blocking Blocked in Chrome

Posted: 31 May 2019, 16:37
by Kellemora
This is sorta funny in a way.
I don't block ads on Google, nor do I block them on Farcebook.
That being said, Farcebook likes to run ads over the top of other programs you are using.
A good example is FarmTown, which is run inside a Flash Player window.
The reason most of us block ads while we have FarmTown open is because the ads spread across into the Flash Player window covering up the toolboxes and other parts of the game we need to get to.
Farcebook also has numerous pop-up ads that come up on top of the games while folks are playing them, of which no ad-blocker can block now, because of how they are generated. They are sent to your computer screen regardless of what else is on your screen at the time, and each part of the pop-up comes from a different source each time.

According to Slashkey, Farcebook has received over six million complaints per year from game players about their intrusion to the games, and in many cases causing problems with playing the games. Especially those games where you are on a timer and trying to catch dropping things or selecting things quickly. I don't play them so don't know what they are called, other than gem drop games.

I use an auto-clicker for harvesting and planting crops, etc. And when one of these pop-ups do pop-up, they always seem to be right where I'm auto-clicking away. So it takes me to whatever the pop-up was about. You can't back out either. You have to close where it took you, reopen Farcebook, go to the link to the game, reopen the game, and try to straighten out the mess caused by the pop-up. The crops you were planting do not get saved when that happens, so you have to do them all over again. And these nasty intrusions by Farcebook cannot be blocked.

About 7 upgrades ago, Google really messed up the ability to use a scroll wheel within a flash player window.
They honestly don't care either. I've downloaded each new upgrade to see if they fixed it, and they have not.
For this reason alone, many FarmTown players have moved to Firefox or Opera. The trouble there is, Googles is the only browser where we can send and receive gifts or do a couple of other things, like post facilities for others to run, boost trains, etc. Edge, Firefox, and Opera all have their own sets of problems.
Almost everyone plays FarmTown on Windows computers, naturally, and it has gotten to the point, they have to leave the game and load a different browser to do some of the things they need to do on the game.
Because Firefox does not let you use the scroll wheel to move between tabs, I'm more or less stuck with Google for running neighbors facilities. I usually have 8 to 10 requests open, one in each tab. If I didn't I couldn't get done with them in a days time.

Not that you are interested, but I normally run a little over 1000 farms per day.
With tools bought for around 300 dollars real money, the FT Mayor will do them for you.
But the Mayor is suffering from old age. He used to work a farm in 5 to 6 seconds.
Now it takes him anywhere from 8 to 25 seconds per farm.
Most of us higher level players have 40 farms, with facilities on about half of them, except for a few who have them on every farm. Many of us also have around 100 facilities on a single farm.
If you are doing, lets pick a smaller number 750 farms, and the Mayor is running at full-speed, you can get them all done in just over an hour.
However, if he is running slow, like at 15 seconds per farm, it could take over four hours to do the same amount.
But if you are doing 8 farms at a time, one on each tab, even with the Mayor running slow, you can still get done in about half an hour. Big difference between a half hour and four hours! But you need to be able to scroll tabs to work that fast, and Google Chrome is the only browser with a scroll tabs feature.

Re: Ad Blocking Blocked in Chrome

Posted: 31 May 2019, 17:54
by yogi
You, and the rest of the FT players, are being manipulated by Facebook's ad campaigns. But you already know that, I'm sure. You are there to satisfy an addiction to the game, and of it's own nobody can be faulted for doing just that. But, the people watching you and collecting all the data about you that they can via FT gaming, those people are making Facebook and themselves rich at your expense (and grief as you described in detail). I too would, and did, play the game for the same reasons you would. However, after I realized what was actually going on, I quit. There are other ways to satisfy my gaming instincts. :mrgreen:

As far as ads go, there are many ways to present them. Facebook knows what they are doing by blocking your view of the game using techniques which browsers have no control over. Be that as it may, a lot of the noise can be filtered out if the ad blocker is using Google's API. Well, that is what will come to an end pretty soon for Google Chrome users. As you point out so eloquently, there is no way to block what Facebook is doing. Zuckerberg designed it that way.

Re: Ad Blocking Blocked in Chrome

Posted: 02 Jun 2019, 00:13
by Kellemora
I use the "Turn OFF Notifications for this post" on anything I post, yet I still get "NOTIFIED" many times.
I don't mind notices going into the notifications box where I can look at them later, by why pop them up in the middle of a game?
FarmTown already has a back door to play their game, but if you go that route, you can't interact with Farcebook, and that is a major part of the game. You can't exchange gifts, post your facilities for players to run them, etc. ad infinitum.

FarmTown and MANY games on Farcebook that use Flash Player may soon be a thing of the past also.
Slashkey has been trying to make an HTML5 version of their game, and striking out.
Unless they build their own game engine in a manner like Flash Player, how the game works now cannot work the same way.
They can create the game, but without all the glitches the players have made use of for over ten years.

Slashkey has been working on a form of ActionScript as used on Adobe Flash Player to emulate the same functions on LightSpark Player and PepperFlash. Google dropped PepperFlash and went back to Adobe Flash Player, for now.
There are many Flash Player type players out there, but they can't handle the games written for Flash Player.
So many games are seriously looking at bringing back a version of PepperFlash they can control, somehow.
Gnash only works on Linux and nobody has updated it for over 5 years now, but being open source, it is a contender.

Oh, today is the frau and I's 18th anniversary!

Re: Ad Blocking Blocked in Chrome

Posted: 02 Jun 2019, 15:05
by yogi
It comes down to the old chicken and egg question. Does Facebook exist because of the games, or do the games exist because of Facebook? What is clear is that they are inseparable.

The problem with Flash is, was, and always will be, control of the operating system has to be handed over to a trusted source for some period of time. Allowing that external control to take place is the intrinsic security risk everybody is battling with these days. It will not matter what the replacement for Flash is going to be because no matter what it is, it will need to override the operating system (Windows, iOS, Linux) in order to do it's animation thing. Both Facebook and it's game partners assume a trusted relationship with the OS, but the problem is that somebody can hack Facebook and/or the gaming platform which is trusted. From my perspective the only way around this dilemma is to come up with a sandboxed computer operating system designed for gaming only. Well, they did in fact. It's called X-Box, or Play Station, or Ninetendo, or any of those stand alone boxes that are not anywhere near as popular as the free and open source Flash games are. Free and open to hacking that is.

Third time's a charm, as they say. So my congratulations go to you and Deb on 18 years of marital bliss. It was bliss, right? LOL I hope y'all did something special. These anniversary milestones are the things of which great memories are made. When the world turns too chaotic for one to bear, there are always the good times to remember. Nobody can take those memories from you.

Here's to wishing you and the Frau will celebrate at least 18 more years of the good life. :toast:

Re: Ad Blocking Blocked in Chrome

Posted: 02 Jun 2019, 16:04
by Kellemora
I know the answer to what came first, the Chicken or the Egg!

I was talking with a former game programmer last night, who now drives a commercial milk delivery truck, hi hi.
We got to talking about Farcebook and those pop-ups that cannot be blocked.
And about Google Chrome, Firefox, and Opera a little bit, mostly about ad blockers.
He said most ad blockers use the Abort command "onbeforeonload" to trigger an abort.
The web browsers are planning to remove recognition of such commands, which is how they will thwart most ad blockers.
However, there is also commands that deal with Focus, Auto Focus, and Blur.
We already know these darn pop-ups are in Focus and the same time the Page remains in Focus.
And their are other commands to bring items to front or move them to the back.
Rather than Abort a pop-up, they can give a certain window a locked permanent Focus, which would cause a pop-up to take a backseat behind the permanent focus page, unless the pop-up came from the page in focus itself.

He also told me something to try. I've already went in and made the changes he told me to, but have not been back to the game to see if it works or not.
In Google Chrome, you can go into settings, and buried deep, taking several steps to get to, you can find the settings for Farcebook. One of those settings is Notifications, which can be turned OFF.
He said this should turn off the pop-up notifications, but still put them in the notifications box so I can see them later.
However, I may still get the notification that their is a notification in the notifications box, hi hi.
I'll see later if it works or not.

It's after twelve, so I had better go stick some feed in my gizzard, hi hi.

Re: Ad Blocking Blocked in Chrome

Posted: 02 Jun 2019, 20:43
by yogi
You have not answered my metaphysical question about why Facebook exists, but you did bring up some interesting observations regarding dynamic HTML. There is a ton of things a webmaster can do in HTML that takes away the control of a webpage. I'm not so sure that is what Facebook is doing given that they have their own software beind the site. A lot of unconventional things can be done inside hidden scripts and the bit heads at Facebook are pretty clever after all. I don't think they would give control to somebody who knows DHTML when it comes to viewing or not viewing ads. That's the crux of Facebook's existence and they are not about to give up any ground.

The blocking of ads can be done in many ways. It's my understanding that many ads are actually requests for content downloaded from remote servers. It's not complicated or esoteric in any way. The request, however, is via an API when using Google Chrome (probably other browsers too). Your browser sends a request and the API returns the ad content. Some clever ad blockers interrupt that two-way transmission (abort commands?) and stop the ad from showing in your browser. Well Google has had enough of that and they are rewriting Chrome so that you can no longer stop the ad request nor prevent it's display when returned. All of that happens on a level beyond HTML.

I've seen the setting in Google Chrome where you can control what ads are seen from which websites. The intent there is to filter out intrusive ads, but there also is room to specify from which sites you don't want to see ads. I don't know how the rewritten Chrome Browser will handle this particular setting if you block, say, Facebook ads. Even if you are able to block them using Chrome, that will not affect the Facebook software to which Google nor you have access. You are still going to see ads if you are logged into Facebook. Period.

Re: Ad Blocking Blocked in Chrome

Posted: 03 Jun 2019, 15:15
by Kellemora
Why does Farcebook exist? To make MONEY of course!

Of the thousand or so big start-ups in Social Media, they are the one folks flocked to, lucky them.

Others have made a dent, then either faded away or flat out died.

I have a few friends on MeWe, but I never go there, because they do not yet have a way to sort your friends.
They are working hard to get Farcebook folks over to them, and I sent them a message after I joined, and visited a few times, why it is not usable for me yet. And as far as I know, they have not made any changes to accommodate what I need.

I wouldn't be on Farcebook if it were not for the fact that is where nearly everyone I know, and all of my relatives are.
Some are other places also, but not enough of them for me to join anyplace else.
Social Media is way to time consuming as it is.

As far as Google Chrome goes, if they start messing with how the program works, I'm sure many of us will go back to Firefox, or Opera, or some other browser that does most of what we want without all the intrusions.

It appears the setting I changed in Google to block Farcebook notifications has worked, perhaps too well, hi hi.
I won't know for a few days if I've inadvertently blocked all notices, or just those that pop-up when I'm playing a game.

Re: Ad Blocking Blocked in Chrome

Posted: 03 Jun 2019, 17:55
by yogi
Google is taking a calculated risk by forcing its users to view the ads. They will lose users, and they know it. They don't care about users because like Facebook they are in business to maximize profits. They don't want to lose patrons and advertisers. And that alone is the reason they are taking the risk.

I find it interesting that you are able to block the Facebook adverts. Then again, I don't know what settings you tweaked. It seems like we are talking about the same things, but there may be more than one setting. Or, heaven forbid, Facebook has changed it's ways to allow their source of revenue to be inhibited. I know the European Union is on Google, Facebook, and Amazon's case about all this. So maybe some changes were made while I wasn't looking. :mrgreen:

All my virtual friends used to be right here on Brainformation. We existed before Facebook. They all left for various reasons, friends and family being a major motivation. The second most popular reason for sites like this becoming extinct is the gamification of social media. People go to Facebook to play the games. As you know I have a presence there too. I used to go every day to poke a friend or two, but now the pokes are nearly impossible to evoke. So, nobody is poking me anymore. The political atmosphere there is another reason I decided to lower my visibility.

Re: Ad Blocking Blocked in Chrome

Posted: 04 Jun 2019, 16:28
by Kellemora
Actually, what I block is NOT the advertisements themselves, and not on all pages either.

When I go to Farcebook, there is a display area on the right that lists all the ads.
I do not hide the ads on Farcebooks own pages.
But after I go to Farm Town, then what I do is block the ENTIRE PANEL on the right, so I just get a white screen there.
This way they do not know I've blocked the ads, because technically I didn't block the ads, what I did block was the page area the ads are shown on.
This is done by selecting the URL of the page area. Not easy to do, and sometimes you have to find it and enter it in the blocking program as a text string.

I forget, can we upload pictures here, or only links to a website where the picture is at?

Re: Ad Blocking Blocked in Chrome

Posted: 04 Jun 2019, 16:29
by Kellemora
I just checked myself, I can only insert an img URL.

Re: Ad Blocking Blocked in Chrome

Posted: 04 Jun 2019, 18:45
by yogi
We have the capacity to upload images to the server and to add attachments to the posts. I disabled that when we had a crowd of people here because there used to be a quota on the server space I could occupy. For some reason the plan I am on now has unlimited storage. I suppose I could fill up the server's entire hard drive if I wanted to. LOL If you think it would be helpful, I can look into re-configuring things to allow attachments. As long as it's only you and me I don't see any big problems doing such a thing.

OK, I'm probably still correct to say you can't block embedded Facebook ads. It was a big issue many years ago and is when I got my first inkling that more than just games and family pictures was going on over there. I can't fault Facebook, or anyone, for shoving adverts down our throat. They are entitled to make a profit, and that's how they can offer a "free" service. What I do object to is how they handle the data they collect. I want to be kissed before I get screwed and Facebook isn't very lovey dovey.

Re: Ad Blocking Blocked in Chrome

Posted: 05 Jun 2019, 17:05
by Kellemora
I used to upload images to my own website when I was on Comcast for use elsewhere.
But never added such a thing on my new website, and in fact have not been there to update anything for at least three years now.
I tried PhotoBucket for awhile, but I think they went kaput.

It's no biggie really. If you've been to Farcebook then you know about all the junk on the right side of the screen.
I just found a way to block that entire panel or section, whatever they call it, so I just get a white box.
I should say though, on one computer, this one in fact, it causes the Flash Player frame to center itself on the screen, which is good. But on another computer, with Linux Mint, the box is technically still there, but moved off the screen to the right, so I can scroll way to the right to see the box and all the ads. Even so, I can still center the Flash Player window manually and only have white around it's edges.
Since I use an autoclicker and often run off the edge of the screen while planting or harvesting, not having something around the flash player window that can take me somewhere else is a definite plus.

Re: Ad Blocking Blocked in Chrome

Posted: 05 Jun 2019, 20:22
by yogi
Photobucket is alive and well, but unless you have a paid subscription it's totally useless. They go through a lot of trouble to make uploading difficult and editing albums is a nightmare gone wild. I went there about a year ago to remove all my photos and spent about two hours trying to accomplish a task that should normally take less than 30 seconds. I know they are still in business because I keep getting their spam in my INBOX.

Brainformation software has a lot of possible features that I never turned on or that I didn't bother to install. If we were more than a bulletin board I might consider adding features.

I think you have Facebook psyched out. I'm a half step ahead of you though now that I only go there about twice a month. I think it's called passive aggression on my part. LOL

Re: Ad Blocking Blocked in Chrome

Posted: 06 Jun 2019, 15:57
by Kellemora
If it were not for all of my family and relatives being on Farcebook, I really would have no use for it. Well, except to play FarmTown, hi hi.
I have not looked at the main news feed in probably ten or more years.
I have three lists I look at every day, and that's about it, then I move over to play the game for a bit.
Then I'm off to do real work I need to do.

The gimmick with having unlimited space on a website is: Whatever you put up there has to be linked so it is accessible starting at the index.html page, but it can be through other pages after that.
Like my family newsletters were not linked when I was on Comcast, but after I moved over to the new host provider, I got a message about files in folders with no links, and all content must be reachable starting from the index.html page. I don't think they care how many links it takes to get there, as long as their are no folders with no links.

That being said, the website my brother uses allows him up to 5 gigs of personal storage space, which he uses to keep images of products that are not currently in his catalog, but there for when he gets a new shipment in.

I may not have understood their rules, but I think I do have a certain amount of storage space as part of my package, but that may have been on the purchased space program, not the unlimited space program. Been so long I don't remember.
But is logical. What would keep someone from uploading 500 gigs or more of stuff for storage on an unlimited account?

Re: Ad Blocking Blocked in Chrome

Posted: 06 Jun 2019, 21:02
by yogi
The "free" web space tacked onto my ISP package with Earthlink was limited in many ways. I used it to practice making web pages and ended up with a website that helped people post onto bulletin boards that were popular back in those days. They allowed embedded HTML, which only us geeks knew anything about. So my website has some basic how-to information on it and it was free.

When I decided to create Brainformation forums the cofounder recommended the hosting service we have had all these years. They were cheap, something like $19 a month but did have quotas. After a few years Brainformation got to be quite active and I needed more space. They sold me "small business" plan for $9 a month. No storage nor upload/download limits. No limit on the email boxes either. I am limited in the number of databases and subdomains I could have, but that's about it. From what I can tell, there is no reason I could not upload 500GB of data and pay the same $9 each month.

I can FTP into my home directory and do whatever I care to do. In fact I do have some directories with unlinked data in them. They don't care. As I mentioned in the past, I'm fairly certain I can go SSL without paying an extra fee too. These guys are great as far as hosting is concerned. The only downside is that we are on a shared server with a bunch of other small businesses and the server slows down from time to time. I'm told it's because of what those other guys are doing.

Re: Ad Blocking Blocked in Chrome

Posted: 07 Jun 2019, 15:28
by Kellemora
After hearing all the horror stories about other host providers, I finally chose 1&1, who have merged with another company Ionos and are now 1&1 Ionos. I've never had a slow down there, and if they have a problem of any kind, they post it on Twitter and perhaps other places. But I've never had a problem. I think they have now become a Wordpress host also. Since I write my own html5 pages, I'm not affected by any problems they have with provided packages.
They too are only 9.99 a month. I visit a few pages hosted by them and never hit a slowdown yet. My pages have always popped up instantly, but then too, after visiting once, it could be some of those pages are held in the cache on my own computer. Seem like that for many web pages I visit. If I reboot, it takes longer for one I visit all the time to load, but it is still so fast it is almost instant.

Perhaps I should try putting a Folder on my website to use for uploading pictures I need for on-line purposes and see what happens.

Re: Ad Blocking Blocked in Chrome

Posted: 07 Jun 2019, 19:41
by yogi
I think companies that specialize in web hosting go about their business in a different manner than those companies who offer it as a service in addition to their core product. The dedicated hosting folks know what they are doing and have a team of technicians dedicated to the hosting servers. They also know what you, the webmaster, need and are more than willing to provide it. Each customer gets an image of the host plan, and putting that into place on the server has to be automated and unattended. So, there is no overhead other than the help desk. The access and features for this site are no different than the server I have sitting next to me for NAS. The exception is that I can get to the root level on my server but not on my web host. That's fine with me. I don't want responsibility for all the websites sharing our server time. LOL

Re: Ad Blocking Blocked in Chrome

Posted: 08 Jun 2019, 16:50
by Kellemora
One of my book promoters was paying BIG BUCKS to NING for her websites, and they were always a headache with numerous problems. She finally moved to another place that still offered all the services she needed, but is still paying over 200 bucks per month to them. I think she's crazy for paying so much myself. Her latest move was to using WordPress to build her websites on.
I know my host provider also offers WordPress, although I've never used it, and don't know what he charges.
But it seems to me, if you have your own WordPress program, it would still only be a matter of uploading your files to their host server, but maybe there is more to it than that.
She used to have databases, log-in, and shopping cart. I don't think she has any of that anymore, just the web pages you go visit, without logging in. Yet she is still paying quite a bit, at least 50 bucks or more per website.

During the short time period in which I was selling something through my website, and this was while I was on Comcast using Personal Web Pages, not Business Web Pages. My link took a buyer to PayPal, so I guess technically I didn't have a shopping cart per se. Early on I did have my own Merchants Account, but handled that via a set of three separate e-mails as a safety precaution. I would have them send me ONLY the first 8 digits of their credit card, then send the next 4 digits in another e-mail, and the final 4 digits and expiration date in the last e-mail. Or they could call me on the telephone. May not have been the best way to do it, but the way we did it, it's doubtful anyone would have figured it out, or been able to capture all three e-mails.
Of course now days you can send folks to a secure payment website where they know they are safe.
Or at least we hope they are safe, hi hi.

Re: Ad Blocking Blocked in Chrome

Posted: 08 Jun 2019, 18:50
by yogi
A funny thing about the hosting service I have now is that it's cheaper to run a business plan than to run a hobby site. I don't recall the details now, but I think the very first version of this site was one of two plans offered by 3essentials. I took the cheaper one solely based on cost. All the goodies that came with the plan were not useful for my purposes at the time. Today they offer several plans, and the greatest difference between them is the options you can select to install along with your web site. Secure payment, for one, is something I don't have in my package because, after all, I'm not selling anything. The link to PayPal for donations is just another link as far as anybody is concerned. We embed a lot of links and if they have anything to do with conducting business or not is irrelevant. The hosting company doesn't seem to care. LOL

The plan we are on here allows only two domains to be hosted. I can do half a dozen sub-domains in each. I am limited in the number of databases I can have, but I don't think there is a size limit. Emails are unlimited, I think. Never had a need to check. I'd have to go look at the server control panel, but, I have a feeling I might also be able to install WordPress software. I only needed php so that I didn't have anything else installed. I can see needed more of all these items, but I can't see it ever costing more than $50/month. Those more expensive plans allow more than two domains to be hosted so that $50 would buy you a lot of web site hosting for a small price.