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Re: Ubuntu 20.04 Release

Posted: 05 May 2020, 15:25
by Kellemora
FWIW: Got two time out errors before I could post the above.

Re: Ubuntu 20.04 Release

Posted: 05 May 2020, 17:24
by yogi
The blurb about what your utility company can do with their database is classic. Each one of those elements is stored in a spreadsheet (table) of it's own. The query language can probe, format, and output any piece you want. You can do the same thing with a warehouse full of documents and a staff of people to do the file searches. OR, you can put it all into a computer box that sits next to your desk and finds things in a fraction of the time. The scary part of the operation is that at some point in time the utility company entered that warehouse full of paper into the database. The gods only know how long that took, but it was well worth it.

A full function database is overkill for anything like a contacts list. That would indeed be more appropriate in an Excel spreadsheet. I just gave that as an example of structure and what can be done. If you want to contemplate what databases and servers are capable of doing, think Google. It's hard to believe you can get so much information so quickly.

A server technically would not run any programs. Thus if you keep your files on a computer and nothing else, you have a file server. Sure enough. :mrgreen:

Re: Ubuntu 20.04 Release

Posted: 06 May 2020, 15:29
by Kellemora
Yeppers, entering old data is what got my toe in a wringer.
Some police department we could not determine which, nor the exact county they are in.
Entered all of their data into the master fingerprint database along with the reason written on the card for taking them.
In my case, they entered Burglary on the card.
The sad thing is, I was only a bystander.
Only took them a few hours to figure that out and I was never charged with anything and released.
No problems up until a few years ago when I needed to get a permit and up pops my name as associated with a burglary.
Say What? It was so long ago, and since I was never charged, I completely forgot about it.
And of course they wouldn't tell me what it was, and I thought it was about the time I was accused of throwing gravel on a cops car, something else I didn't do, but they figured out who did so I was cleared of that too.

In Missouri, if you are not charged with a crime, your arrest record is expunged automatically after one year.
So their is no record for me having been cleared and released either.
But that pesky fingerprint card ended up being added to the database.
I got a letter from every county surrounding the county I think this incident took place in, saying I was never charged with any criminal activity and turned those letters over to TBI. They don't care, they still considered me a felon.
I talked to an attorney, for a fee of course, and he told me I should not pursue the matter.
After I told him what I remembered about the incident, he said TBI would probably change my charge from burglary as shown on the file card copy, to driving a getaway car, hi hi. So I did as he said and dropped it!
He did mention one thing though. I do have the right to face my accuser, which in this case would be TBI, since Missouri is not accusing me of anything at all. But he said that would stir up a can of worms I don't want to get stuck in, hi hi.

Databases & Servers
Just from what I studied on-line eons ago, there are several types of Servers.
So I was safe in calling my main external HD my file server, because that is what it did, it stored and served up files when I went to the file server to get them.
That being said. When I was messing around with Edubuntu, it DID run programs on the Server, if you had that type of program. OR you could run a program on your computer where the data came from and was saved back to the server, either as single user or multi-user.
Plus I did have an old computer set up as a Print Server, but that was all it was good for.
I know I talked about this before. I sent one print request to the server, then a screen would pop-up from the server asking how many copies, and the program running on it would divide up the number copies I wanted with a few going to each of 12 printers. I did make a mistake in a previous comment where I said the ink was fed from gallon jugs. Long after I posted that, I remember they were quart size bottles, I only refilled those from gallon jugs of ink. All of my receipts showed I bought ink by the gallon jugs. I must have been more crazy back then than I am now, hi hi.

Re: Ubuntu 20.04 Release

Posted: 06 May 2020, 19:32
by yogi
As the stereotype goes, Tennessee is the home of the "good ol' boys." As such, you don't want to mess with them. Chicago had it's Mafia, but that is what they were advertised to be. You knew who they were and you knew who to avoid. Down south there never was such a thing, but y'all took care of your own kind. I guess the net effect is the same as what Mafia families did, but the style was much different. Tennessee wasn't the first or only territory with gangs, but they are not as obvious down here. They could be and often are part of the local constabulary. You ddin't do that in the Mafia. LOL So, you were an outsider, not from those parts, and looked upon with suspicion by the TBI. Fine as long as you don't bother them. They won't bother you. But, your lawyer knows the rules. You have a right to clear your name, but do you really want to? Naaahhhhhh.

Servers are typically dedicated machines. As such their only purpose in life is to serve. Life in the era of cloud computing changed all that so you can now have virtual machines on a server, and those machines are actually running programs. It gets messy trying to define it all, and who wants to anyway? As long as you get the service you are looking for the name from whence it came is unimportant.

Re: Ubuntu 20.04 Release

Posted: 07 May 2020, 16:29
by Kellemora
I used to think The Dukes of Hazzard County was a comedy show.
But that ended abruptly when I moved down south.
The show was Dead Serious about life in the South, hi hi.
Most of the poly-tick-ians down here are criminals who pocket every dime they can get their hands on.
And Blatantly talk about it in town hall meetings.
I started to raise a ruckus over them pocketing money to help the homeless instead of using it for the purpose intended and got myself shut-out of attending town hall meetings, by the poly-tick-ians themselves too.
And they were peddling this same scheme to several other cities as well.
Out of TEN MILLION dollars, they only helped 48 homeless folks with rent, clothes, and food, temporarily, helped them get jobs, and they they had to pay back what help they were given over a long period of time.
But it didn't work that way at all. None of those 48 helped had to pay anything back, just start paying rent after 1 year on location.
If you do the math, you will see that 48 people into 10 million bucks comes out to 18,000 dollars per month per homeless person helped. Yet they only saw about 400 the first month, and only 300 each month after that. Where did all the rest of the money go? Most of it right into the poly-tick-ians pockets or to their relatives, friends, and neighbors, IF they would get back something in return to make up for it. Sad, very sad!

When I was messing with Edubuntu, and using a few programs that actually ran on the server, it used up almost all the memory I had running only two programs from two different computers, and it ran super slow.
The amount of memory to use Edubuntu in a classroom situation with only 8 computers, was the limit of memory computers could hold at the time. Although it did allow for the teacher to see what each student was doing.
Now, if the program is running on the students computer, many more could be handled by Edubuntu.
Which is how I used it most often, until I quit messing with it.
Running the programs on my computer, and using Edubuntu as the storage place for the files, was really not much different than storing them on an external hard drive, which is what I eventually did.

I know saving data is one thing, most places have a lot of storage space.
But when it comes to running programs on a cloud server, they have got to have mega-tons of memory to do that.
Heck, I remember the old tape drive cabinets, and having to call the IT department to swap out a reel so we could access the data on one of the reels. Then after they moved up to super huge hard drives, it was all available without having to call them a few times a day to change reels. Even so, they still used and kept those reel cabinets for backup and permanent storage.

My how the times and methods have changed over the years!