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Re: Artist Rex Whistler....

Posted: 06 Nov 2016, 03:19
by tomsk
I know but it's prudent to be ....wasname!

Re: Artist Rex Whistler....

Posted: 06 Nov 2016, 13:47
by Icey
Yes, no one should leave things to chance, although I think some of the general check-ups are unnecessary. Round our way, older people get the chance of sending a sample in to check for bowel cancer. Now most people never get that, and'd display some symptoms that'd make them seek medical advice. Many of these samples're used in lab training, so it's rather to help the technicians and doctors, although of course, if a positive result shows up, not only do people learn from it, but the patient can presumably be notified.

Re: Artist Rex Whistler....

Posted: 07 Nov 2016, 01:03
by tomsk
tea time!

Re: Artist Rex Whistler....

Posted: 07 Nov 2016, 01:16
by Icey
I've just got one. : )

Re: Artist Rex Whistler....

Posted: 07 Nov 2016, 03:59
by tomsk
nice one ...any cake?

Re: Artist Rex Whistler....

Posted: 07 Nov 2016, 12:25
by Icey
No, it was just a cuppa, but I almost needed a brandy when something terrible happened later on!

I felt an itch on my arm, took no notice, and then felt another. STILL took no notice. A few seconds later, I happened to look down, and ... oh lord .... there was the biggest wasp - or hornet - crawling up my leg! Not only am I allergic to wasp and bee stings, it was hideous and almost had a panic attack.

I knocked it off me, and then lost it somewhere on the floor! I backed my chair out of the way, sending some things flying, and managed to grab a pamphlet off the table and batter when I saw it crawling around near my desk. Luckily, it was dozy anyway, but then I literally went faint, and that's why I suddenly stopped posting on here. BH ........

Re: Artist Rex Whistler....

Posted: 15 Nov 2016, 02:19
by tomsk
crikey...are you well now...?
I think the wasp/hornet was dying anyway...

Re: Artist Rex Whistler....

Posted: 15 Nov 2016, 15:17
by Icey
I'm alright now, thanks, but I'm petrified of even the small ones, let alone this gigantic thing. All I could think of, was how painful it'd be if it stung me, and how I'd have to get to hospital asap. I used to carry an epi-pen round with me, but it's not viable to do that, what with changing handbags, jackets and so on. You're bound to forget these things at times anyway.

Yes, I also think that the insect was on its last legs. It was crawling slowly, but BH, why did it have to land on ME? : (

Re: Artist Rex Whistler....

Posted: 15 Nov 2016, 22:47
by tomsk
where you eating cream cakes? :lol:

Re: Artist Rex Whistler....

Posted: 16 Nov 2016, 02:30
by Icy
No. Hmph. You have no heart! There I was, petrified, and you find it funny. : (

Re: Artist Rex Whistler....

Posted: 16 Nov 2016, 03:57
by tomsk
the pooor thing was dying...
Did you wake the household up?

Re: Artist Rex Whistler....

Posted: 16 Nov 2016, 15:46
by Icey
No, I was rendered speechless, apart from swearing very, very many times in quick succession!

Re: Artist Rex Whistler....

Posted: 16 Nov 2016, 22:59
by tomsk
All creatures great and small... :lol:

Re: Artist Rex Whistler....

Posted: 17 Nov 2016, 01:38
by Icey
Swat 'em!!!

Re: Artist Rex Whistler....

Posted: 17 Nov 2016, 03:38
by tomsk
:lol: :yikes:

Re: Artist Rex Whistler....

Posted: 17 Nov 2016, 13:12
by Icey
Hey Arch - did you read in the news about that guy who had either part of his leg or arm amputated after being bitten by a ladybird?!! It's true. It was one of the larger, foreign ones. The bite turned septic and then the poison began to spread rapidly and necrosis set in, so they had to save him.

I KNEW I didn't like those large ladybirds. We've had quite a few this year.

Re: Artist Rex Whistler....

Posted: 17 Nov 2016, 23:32
by tomsk
and on that cheery note Tomsk goes for a cuppa...

Re: Artist Rex Whistler....

Posted: 18 Nov 2016, 00:15
by Icey

Re: Artist Rex Whistler....

Posted: 18 Nov 2016, 04:18
by tomsk
th winter will kill them off, don't worry...!

Re: Artist Rex Whistler....

Posted: 18 Nov 2016, 16:29
by Icey
Aye, laddie, but what if they over-winter, or they've laid eggs somewhere, waiting to hatch next year?