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Posted: 27 Aug 2015, 19:52
by yogi
PLEKHA7 is a protein which breaks cell bonds and stops their growth. This is the body's way of preventing excessive cell growth in normal cells. Cancer cells seem to be missing this protein an thus reproduce with abandon. Doctors at Mayo Clinic in Florida have figured out a way to replace the missing protein and stop cancer in its tracks. Apparently it's just a matter of an injection and cancerous growth can be stopped. This is all still in the lab, but the outlook for the future is bright if they can perfect a delivery method.


Posted: 27 Aug 2015, 23:14
by Kellemora
Great to hear they are admitting to having cures, now they just need to get them to market.
The powerful drug industry already has laws against all new cures for anything, so we'll see how it goes.


Posted: 28 Aug 2015, 00:08
by Icey
It's fabulous news, and cancer research's one of the areas that really IS coming on in leaps and bounds, but of course, the big pharma always have to ruin things.


Posted: 29 Aug 2015, 01:51
by Kellemora
Here in the states Icey, the drug companies got laws passed which has prevented any cure for anything to be allowed since Polio.

There are two major requirements for a cure to be used here.
#1 It MUST be Patentable. This means anything natural or found to be or contain Prior Art is not allowed.
#2 It MUST be able to be Synthesized. There are very few elements which can work if they are synthesized, unless they are man made elements, which of course rules out anything natural or organic in nature.

There are hundreds of cures for cancer available, but we can't get them here.

In fact, we cannot use known methods of pinpointing cancer cells because the necessary ingredients are naturally occurring. They are used for testing purposes ONLY, mainly in hospitals to pinpoint cancer cells, but they cannot be used to direct the medication to the cells without breaking one or both of the above laws the drug companies forced on us.


Posted: 29 Aug 2015, 10:16
by Icey
Perhaps the PLEKHA7's been synthetically made? In that case, after further research, the protein could be fabulous news for many cancer sufferers.


Posted: 29 Aug 2015, 13:27
by yogi
There are some questions I'd have about any big pharma conspiracy theories. The suggestion that the treatments are more profitable than the cure is absurd, for example. Laws in the United States do no apply to other countries in the world and any big pharma cure for cancer off shore would put all our domestic firms out of business in short order. People want to be cured, not treated. That's not to say our rules and regulations are squeaky clean and efficient, but the notion of cures being prevented from reaching the market is a world wide conspiracy is a bit suspect.

Natural cures are often based on old wives tales. For example, the juice of the Noni fruit is said to be a cure for cancer, but there is no data nor clinical evidence of that being the case. It doesn't stop people from buying it, and the farmers can sell all they can manufacture as long as it's not sold as a cure for anything. Selling it as such would be fraudulent and perhaps persuade gullible cancer sufferers away from obtaining effective treatments. The reason natural cures are not more widely used is simply because they are not effective. Their lack of popularity is not due to laws and strictly regulated pharmaceutical companies controlling a free market.


Posted: 29 Aug 2015, 23:12
by Icey
I personally DO think that the big pharmaceutical companies control the market. The profit they make from their drugs is massive - so much so, that in the UK our NHS often can't afford to provide many patients with them. This's disgusting, considering that en masse, these drugs can be produced quite cheaply, but the research costs're astronomical, so all this has to be paid for in the end.
There are many so-called cancer "cures" being bandied around, and it's possible that some of them work on some people, but if a real cure was to be found in something as common as a strawberry, for instance, the companies'd be screaming about lack of profits and the "cure" wouldn't see the light of day. However, I'm sure that each of these large concerns'd like to be the ones to find a chemically-made drug which'd bring them in more money than they could dream of. They'd definitely have the monopoly then, but the costs to various health services'd mean that a lot of people wouldn't be able to have the drug passed onto them. It happens NOW, to a degree. I know for a fact that at least one anti-cancer drug's not being used in the UK from now on. It's not a cure, but it's been shown to give patients a much longer chance of life than they'd ordinarily have. Even some of our privately-paying patients can't get it, but isn't this terrible, when it's known to be of help?
Whatever, research's really moving forward quickly at the moment, and it can't come soon enough.


Posted: 30 Aug 2015, 01:47
by Kellemora
I have to agree with the fact there is way too much Snake Oil being sold to gullible people, and they may forgo proper treatment because of it.

I'm not going to get into it on these forums, other than to say I was diagnosed with cancer and given less than six months to live. I have all the medical documentation right here at my fingertips as proof. Knowing the added damage Chemo and Radiation causes, I was treated outside of US jurisdiction.
My sister also had cancer, but my younger sister, an RN, convinced her not to listen to me, and not to go with me, but to use conventional medicine, Chemo and Radiation.
Well, here I am 15 years after the fact, and my sister is six feet under.
My health is not perfect after suffering a heart attack, and having COPD and Emphysema, but the cancer didn't get me, yet. If my sister would have come with me, she would probably still be here today too!

We know a whole lot more about cancer and its various forms that what is disclosed by the medical industry.
They also have products they could use which are safe, but they are banned from doing so in a curative program.

Thinks very seriously about what I have to say here for a moment.
If you go in for a CAT Scan or MRI, or any other of several tests, you are often injected with an element, often called a dye or tracer. The purpose of this element is to make the cancer cells show up on the test material or device.
In other words, they have the means to isolate the cancer cells from the good cells so they appear on the image.
This same element that is used to bring the dye or tracer to the cancer cells but not the good cells is not allowed to be used to bring the Chemo to the cancer cells, because it cannot be Patented, under the Prior Art clause.
Since it cannot be Patented, it cannot be used in any curative regimen, but can be used for testing purposes.
IF the element could be used to bring Chemo only to the Cancer Cells, the Chemo could be stronger, while not damaging good cells, as is currently the practice with using Chemo in such a wild and damaging shotgun approach.

They brag about the five year survival rate, but you never hear anything about the ten, fifteen, or twenty year survival rates, because there are none, or they are so low it's embarrassing for them to mention them.

OK, off my soapbox.


Posted: 30 Aug 2015, 09:53
by Icey
Hi Gary, and congratulations for managing to hold the cancer at bay - by whatever methods you used.

Actually, chemo CAN now be directed towards the cancer cells without damaging the surrounding good ones, and more work's being done on this at the moment. Thanks to technological research, small nano particles, for want of a better expression, can be injected directly into a tumour.These're drawn to the cancer cells, but not to any others, and slowly kill the offending ones.

Stereotactic radio surgery also works splendidly. A marker's inserted into the tumour, and the size and shape of it's mapped with accuracy. That allows very strong beams of radiation to be directed into precise areas over a period of not weeks, but days, leaving surrounding cells unaffected. The results can take several months to show up, but all manner of cancers've been shrunk or disappeared after using this method.

Two of our "local" hospitals now offer this treatment for free, which's wonderful news because the skilled staff needed to be on hand, plus the use of the machines themselves are very costly. Unfortunately, when cancer's metastasized, there are too many break-away cells to treat, but for anyone with a solid lump in one area, eg., the liver, pancreas, brain, bone and other places, it CAN be treated, and with amazing results.

Now comes the crunch. In countries or states such as your own, where folk have to pay for their treatment, not everyone'll be covered to receive "cyber" treatment. Over here, although we can choose which area and hospitals we want to be treated at, once you've moved perhaps miles from where you live, you can't be treated by 2 hospitals at once, and travelling might not be viable for some in case they have to attend their chosen hospital suddenly or regularly.

There's unfortunately also a "pecking order", which they try to hide from patients but're based on the sort of answers you give to a whole list of questions before treatment starts. No one's actually turned away, but there could be delays, or they won't be offered the more expensive forms of treatment, depending on factors such as age, general health, attitude, lifestyle etc.

I think this's wrong. One sufferer's no better or worse than the rest, but with lack of funding, I suppose there has to be a cut-off point at some stage. Do you offer the same drugs to an 80 year old as you would to an 18 year old? My answer'd be yes, since they're all suffering, but you have to work out what's best in the long-term. Even some of our health plans don't cover the latest treatments unless you pay the highest premiums, or have the cash, in which case they'll try to provide the best that's on offer in that particular area. It's pot luck as to whether you're accepted or not, but if someone has the means, then they'll do their best to oblige. Again, wrong, but our Trusts and private hospitals only have so much money to play with, and the supplies of the necessary treatment aren't always available.


Posted: 06 Sep 2015, 15:31
by forumadmin
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