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we need more joses

Posted: 21 Feb 2015, 21:00
by pilvikki

Re: we need more joses

Posted: 21 Feb 2015, 21:11
by Icey
I like this guy! I've read about him before, and love the way he turned down a Presidential palace to continue living in his humble home. Whatever his past, he's obviously got the right mindset now that he's older. I wish more people could look at things in the way that he does.

Re: we need more joses

Posted: 21 Feb 2015, 21:38
by pilvikki
but would he get elected anywhere else with his background? hell, no, we don't want any criminals running our country!

(excuse me while I rofl!)

Re: we need more joses

Posted: 22 Feb 2015, 20:40
by Icey
Well, this is it. Hypocrisy rules supreme, and yet he was just open enough to admit to his wrong-doings. I like him, whatever. Show me a politician who's never done anything wrong in the slightest, and I'll show you a liar.

Re: we need more joses

Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 15:15
by pilvikki
and look at what this "hardened criminal" has done for his country! compared to the rest of S/A, the place is doing brilliantly.

Re: we need more joses

Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 17:45
by Icey
Most people in their youth do "something wrong", whether a biggie or not, and then as they mature, they sometimes see the error of their ways and try to make amends. This guy seems a humble sort to me, and he understands crime and poverty. What better sort to be placed in his position, as opposed to those who've lived "perfect" lives and yet have no real understanding at all.

Re: we need more joses

Posted: 25 Feb 2015, 11:58
by pilvikki
I agree. but try to sell that to population at large... many people believe criminal activity, regardless of the reasons or types, belong to a person's psyche and thus are immutable.

Re: we need more joses

Posted: 25 Feb 2015, 14:45
by Icey
Considering how corrupt many of our MPs are, what with faking their expenses (which us tax payers provide) and other misdemeanors, I'm surprised that anyone trusts any of them. You might as well put someone in power who admits to having been a bit naughty in the past, but then who genuinely tries to turn the tide.

Then you have numerous leaders who've committed adultery or had liaisons with a line of women, and it doesn't seem to've damaged them at all. The public can be very fickle, but I think we'd all prefer someone who was honest.