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Re: God bless the NHS (They might be listening)

Posted: 26 Oct 2022, 15:49
by yogi
Apparently there are a few countries of the world that have government structures similar to what we have in the USA. I don't think anybody has the exact same federal level architecture as ours wherein the power is designed to be shared by three equal branches, the Administrative branch, the Legislative branch, and the Judicial branch. They are all supposed to provide checks and balances to each other, The president of the USA gets most of the publicity because he takes on the leadership role for the country. The president can have a great influence upon policy, but laws have to make it through all three branches to become enacted. The problem with our system is that there are two dominant political parties that typically have diametrically opposing views on any given subject. Ideally they compromise and work things out, but, that has not been the practice in recent rears.

Each state of the union has a similar structure with a governor instead of a president. Then, as it apparently is in Mexico, it all filters down to smaller units of municipal level governments. I don't think term limits exist anywhere at any level of government in this country. Well, the president is limited to serving only two terms, but nobody else has such restrictions as far as I can recall.

Mexican politics seems very complicated. I suppose that is by design. LOL

Re: God bless the NHS (They might be listening)

Posted: 27 Oct 2022, 02:20
by ocelotl
Nah, the issue is that career politicians benefit of the loopholes within the legal frame down here... And since we don't have to state or plead allegiance to any political party when we register as voters, many politicians switch party membership as they see fit.

Re: God bless the NHS (They might be listening)

Posted: 27 Oct 2022, 12:45
by yogi
That's an interesting comment, Juan. Ideally our elected representatives in government should be looking after the best interests of their constituents. If that truly was the case then switching political party allegiances would be easy and a common practice. Somewhere over the history of our country the concept of working for the people has changed to working to keep the dominant party in positions of power. Because the emphasis changed corruption has taken over what once was an honor system.

Re: God bless the NHS (They might be listening)

Posted: 09 Nov 2022, 16:27
by PierrePanache
Hi Dennis, Kellemora & Oceloti - I hope you are all fit & well. Once again apologies for my silence. As I said - my brush with Covid was lighter than a lot of folk & so I should be thankful for that. One strange outcome was that although recovering slowly but surely from my 2 ops - after a day sorting my two cars out - my stamina took a nose-dive & I reverted to feeling as pitiful as when first discharged from hospital.

I have not done anything interesting to chat about apart from taking in my middle son who decided to leave his wife & family & return to his Mum & Dad' Happy days!

Oh well - one thing is painfully apparent - politicians appear to be the same all over the planet!

Take care you lads & I shall return when I stop feeling sorry for myself & refrain from sitting around with my thumb up my b*m - & my brain in neutral!

Re: God bless the NHS (They might be listening)

Posted: 09 Nov 2022, 17:48
by yogi
The body and mind are known to work in unison. It's perfectly understandable that you would be absent during any recovery from illness period. It reads as if you didn't take your physical malaise seriously enough and depleted whatever stamina you had. Sometimes that actually works out, but when it involves surgeries it's best to be conservative, and I don't mean that in a Tory sense. LOL

Activity around here has been about on the same level as you are experiencing. No relatives have moved in, but I did venture out to vote in the current elections and also renewed my driver's license. The renewal involved a two hour wait for my turn. That's about it for excitement round here. We look forward to your next visit and any chatting you would care to pursue.