WWW Code For Sale as NFT

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Re: WWW Code For Sale as NFT

Post by yogi »

Where have I heard that story before? LOL

When you buy some electronic equipment and it does not work to your expectation you start asking questions of the vendors. The software vendor will say it's a hardware problem and, of course, the hardware vendor blames it on the software. So, which is it? The truth is that neither one of them knows who is to blame for the malfunction. I can see this same line of logic happening in retail grocery stores too. The grocer must act like a franchise for national brands and do whatever the product's corporate marketing people say needs to be done. The store will gladly bend to the manufacturer's requirements because of the huge profits involved. The six cases of diet soda brings the grocer, say, a $6 profit in a matter of five minutes. Not bad by most standards. However, the 300 cases of nationally advertised regular soda brings the grocer, say, $300 every twenty four hours. You're an experienced businessman and I'm positive you can tell me which scenario the shop keeper prefers. The bottom line is profit. Always. Customer satisfaction is coincidental to the cause.

I used to buy rose plants from Jackson & Perkins at a pretty high price. The quality was always good so that the price was justified. Many of the plants I bought came with a warning telling me that asexual propagation of this rose was illegal. Well, you can imagine what that kind of warning does. It makes the buyer want to find out what asexual propagation is all about and try it out. LOL I'm not going to say whether I broke any laws or not, but I did indeed find out how to propagate roses asexually. I've always looked at patented flowers with a cynical eye. If those flowers were so desirable, why would a patent be needed to protect them? I think you answered that in your comments about commercial growers who can clone roses by the thousands. Us individual growers could never clone enough patented roses to make any difference whatsoever to Jackson & Perkins bottom line.
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Re: WWW Code For Sale as NFT

Post by ocelotl »

Regarding hot products, what I saw when I was servicing distribution centers is that many of the hot products are treated as "seasonal impulse promotions", where ads are aggressively programmed and production is increased by a planned percentage. They use an scarcity economy model to keep exploiting the product as long as they want, but the base product that is continuously sold is always there. I've personally seen delivery people filling out forms to report costumer complaints and suggestions every now and then to deliver it together with the route balance for their shift report.

Regarding cuetlaxochitl, up there law may seem more strict regarding commercial plants, as far as I've heard or read. Many people over here tend to plant their shrubs in gardens and every now and then one grows in a crack on a sidewalk, as the one I'm attaching, and that passed by almost daily for three years. You are fully right, not always the bracts get tainted as scheduled, some times they bloom gorgeously, other times timidly and other times just too early or too late, and the shrubs have either to be forced or to be delayed, and that, for a single crop florist is a catastrophic loss.

And you made me remember a shrub we had that was using to document the blossoming of it... Lack of care and tend caused the loss of it. It was weeded out by the growth of epazote in the same pot... I tried to save it but it was too late... Well, now I check the epazote to avoid it to be weeded out by clovers or grass so we can add some of it to our meals.
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Re: WWW Code For Sale as NFT

Post by Kellemora »

Floor space in any store is X number of dollars per square foot.
When you go in and see a thousand cases of Coke all stacked up in a normally open area of the store, you can bet your boots to dollars that Coke is temporarily paying for that floor space for their display.

Many years ago, when I was selling a line of products normally stocked in the laundry and cleaning aisle, in the beginning I had to pay like 65 dollars a week for a single foot wide section of shelf space. In some stores it was 85 to 100 dollars for them to stock my products. But then as more stores started carrying my product, I no longer had to pay for shelf space anywhere. A few stores even dedicated even more space because the products were moving good for them. Unfortunately, not good enough for me to really make much money from it. I sold the product line to someone else who had an in with national distributors and with him doing it, the product line took off like gangbusters. The ironic part of the whole game was, all the ingredients in my products were available under other names for half the price elsewhere in the store. E.g. Ballpoint Pen Ink Remover, it was basically nothing but alcohol and one other minor ingredient. The same with the Steam Iron Cleaner, it too was only a dilution of another product. In fact, many of the items you buy in the store are just simple items repackaged as something else or for a different purpose.

When I was into hydroculture, and had my Patents on my planting system. Jackson and Perkins was my biggest competitor for hydroculture planting systems and plants. I hate to say this but their product was poorly made, had tons of flaws in the designs for both the liner and their meter. Their entire system cost about half of what ours did to make, but we could still undersell they systems by half of what they charged for them. And after I abandoned my Patents, they decided to copy some of my features to make their system better, but not all of them, because a few other Patents by other folks stopped them in their tracks, hi hi.
As far as Potted Rose Bushes, most of those we sold at the Florist over the years came from Jackson & Perkins, because as you said, they were high quality roses.

FWIW: Making a cutting from a rose bush, and expecting to get the same quality of blooms is next to impossible anyhow. 99% of all quality roses are grown on a different rootstock and grafted into the trunk of a larger stronger rootstock.

For Oceloti:
Because it takes so long to get a hybrid color from certain flowers, the wedding garment industry would let Growers know three years ahead of time what the Bridesmaids colors would be in the upcoming seasons. One of the hardest of all colors to match were the blue shades and tints. Not that the same color is always used in the bridal bouquets, they may want them for the tables in the reception halls and the like. The companies who make the dye used on the white satin shoes worn by the bridesmaids also get sample of the upcoming colors, but it is normally the dye companies themselves who are supplying the data to the garment industry in hopes one of their new colors will take hold and catch on.
Hybridization is not the only way to come up with unique colors. Flowers can be dyed in many ways, but they always look dyed too. Systemic dyes used on cut flowers make the veins more pronounced but can achieve the desired color. But the purest colors that look 100% natural are done during the growing phase of the flower. Dye's would just be filtered out by the roots, so certain minerals and nutrients are tagged in such a way, it causes the bloom to come out a different color. Unfortunately, not always the desired color, or the needed shade of that color, hi hi.
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Re: WWW Code For Sale as NFT

Post by yogi »

My flower garden was near the sidewalk at the front of my old house. I spent many hours in it pulling weeds because I only used chemicals as a last resort. Fertilizer was the sole exception. One day I was there thinning out the purslane from between the rose bushes and a neighbor I didn't know stopped to admire the roses. She said the Tropicana rose was her favorite and I guess I had one growing at the time. She lamented about how expensive those Jackson & Perkins rose bushes were and told me she had a trick she used to propagate them. Wait till the blooms lose their petals and then cut the bud off and plant it in the ground. New rose bushes would emerge. (It's possible she didn't say "cut" the bud, but the stalks were very thick and sturdy. I don't think they would be able to bend so that I could plant a bud still in place.) It sounded like a great idea but I never tried it. It's a hybrid and I suspect that the resulting plant, if any, would not be a clone of the original.

From what I understand blue is the most difficult color to grow in a flower. That is why blue became a "royal" color. Royalty were the only people who could afford to get blue dye at one time.

I have heard about grocery store shelf space going for a price. That might explain why some sodas get limited space. I avoid the whole problem by not drinking any soda. I prefer natural juices, which the major grocers used to keep in stock but do not anymore. It seems as if nobody buys it but me. Well I do just that now on line in bulk quantities. :rolleyes:

~Juan~ Is it common for people in Mexico to park their cars on the sidewalk. I noticed they did the same thing in Puerto Rico when I visited there.
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Re: WWW Code For Sale as NFT

Post by Kellemora »

Keeping weeds at bay is a never ending job. No matter how you do it, the wind carries more seeds to the bared areas.

As an aside on that same topic: You wouldn't believe how much weed killer is used in baseballs and football stadiums that are all Astroturf, hi hi. Dust from the air, pollen, and everything else gets down into the Astroturf, just like dirt in a carpet. A little rain and the weed seeds start sprouting like crazy, hi hi.

Hmm, blooming takes most of the energy out of a plant, and the stem that holds the bloom in many plants does not have a rooting node. But on hybrids, whether you get it to root or not, the type root system normally won't carry the plant for very long.

Not all plants have the gene to allow iron to cause a bloom to become blue. Some plants like Hydrangea's you can control the color of the blooms by controlling the elements in the soil they are raised in. While others, the color is strictly in their genes.

My cousin used to work in the dairy department at Schnucks. He told me a few times, there are store stocked shelves, and vendor stocked shelves, plus shelves leased to a vendor for a certain product, but still stocked by the store. Stores don't like an empty slot on the shelves, because it makes the place look shabby. So in areas like the dairy department, most of the leased shelving is still stocked by the store, sometimes with vendor assistance.

I had to take two of the dogs to the vet for their yearly this morning. Just going from my house out to the main drag, I counted over a dozen illegally parked cars. We never saw that before the city annexed us and stopped patrolling our area. But you get up around the last corner before hitting the main drag, and there are usually a couple of cops sitting there talking to each other through their car windows.
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Re: WWW Code For Sale as NFT

Post by yogi »

One of the fertilizers I favored was composted cow manure. While that might be great for nurturing plants it was also a great way to propagate weeds I've never seen before. LOL I also liked to till in some peat moss to condition the soil. Peat was what created the over abundance of purslane, which by the way I am told is edible. I hand pulled as much of the weeds as I could but once in a while the clover or crabgrass would get out of control. On those occasions I'd use chemical warfare. All the other weeds went out back to the forest where I kept a huge compost pile. I was always hesitant to use that compost up front in the flower gardens because I knew it had all those weeds in there. Weed seed doesn't necessarily compost very well.

There are only a few things I can think of that would be considered illegal parking in my neighborhood. One of those is parking anywhere on your private property that is not paved specifically for that purpose. You can't even leave your trash bins on the lawn without getting a notice from the HOA Gestapo. If you parked your Silverado on the lawn, no doubt a posse would be sent out to teach you a lesson you won't forget soon. The only other illegal thing is to park on the street after 1" of snow has fallen. That rule actually makes sense because they do plow the streets fairly well. Even then it's a problem for some people. A lot of folks use their garage space for storage and park the cars and trucks out on the driveways. Some people have as many as four vehicles out there and one on the street. So when it snows that street parked vehicle has to be moved. Then again, I don't see many police cars on our street. Maybe half a dozen in as many years. That doesn't stop the neighbors from calling the cops on you. Lovely people here, I must say.
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Re: WWW Code For Sale as NFT

Post by Kellemora »

Down here, driving and parking on the wrong side of the road goes virtually unchecked.
And with all the hills we have down here, and no warning reflectors on the fronts of cars, it is dangerous to drive at night on almost any of our residential side streets.
If enough people on a street complain to the cops, they come out and don't even give a warning, just a note on the car they are breaking the law. Sometimes an habitual offender will get a warning, but that's about it.

In many of the small municipalities back home, like Des Peres, Rock HIll, Maplewood, etc. If you hit an illegally parked car, it is the owner of that car who is at fault. Because they are the ones who created the Road Hazard! Doesn't apply in places like Kirkwood, Webster Groves, Huntleigh Village, etc. But then too, they write tickets to illegally parked cars.

When I lived in Brentwood, the cops would affix to the front of an illegally parked vehicle if on the wrong side of the road, with this huge triangular shaped reflector. The reflector was to temporarily make the car safe to oncoming motorists. Whoever owned the car then had to take the reflector back to a Brentwood police station and pay a fine of 20 bucks. If I recall, if you did so in under 2 hours the fine was only 10 bucks. And on some streets they didn't put up the reflector triangle, they had your car towed to the impound yard.

The sad thing down here is, most of those who work for the city in some capacity, often park on the wrong side of the road and consider it one of their privileges of working for the city. I stopped one day and chewed out the city coroner for doing so! He literally said, I have a right to break any law I want, it is part of my job duties. Crazy how they think down here!
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Re: WWW Code For Sale as NFT

Post by yogi »

I only had the pleasure of meeting with an O'Fallon police officer once, and that was to report a car crash and obtain a written report for my insurance company. They were pretty quick to the scene and very professional. I don't know what they do all the time, but on several occasions I have seen patrol cars parked out in the open using their speed detectors. I know that sounds normal, but I come from a place where the police went out of their way to be unseen while checking the traffic. The exception to this is the St Charles County Police who patrol Interstate Rt 70. One car will park with his radar gun on a bridge over the highway and his partner will be parked on an access ramp where they are not visible to oncoming traffic. Possibly the O'Fallon coppers do the same thing, but I've never seen them in the act.
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Re: WWW Code For Sale as NFT

Post by Kellemora »

I do know for years, the cop making the claim of an infraction, had to be the one to write the ticket or make the arrest.
But about the time they changed that law is when we saw cops working together, like on the highways. One would radio ahead to another to tell them the color and type of car to nab. But the way they did it, you really didn't know it was a different cop who saw you than the one who stopped you.
What irked me was with a couple of impossible tickets I received. I think once they catch a speeder, they leave their radar gun display on that speed, and then go after someone else.
I know I mentioned this once before, but I was pulling a loaded trailer, uphill, in a vehicle that had an 85 mph governor in it.
Cop said he clocked me doing 97 miles per hour. It was in one of those towns where even the mayor is crooked as a dogs hind leg, they get all their revenues from traffic citations.
I did hire a lawyer, and had verified info from our county police that my car was in fact equipped with an 85 mph governor. But the lawyer just said, that town, just pay the ticket, it will be cheaper in the long run for both of us.

Another time, I had the county police check my car to see why it gave erroneous speed readings. Using three different radar guns, with a police officer driving my car at a steady speed, the other cops all got drastically different speeds showing on their radar guns.
I think the cop was doing exactly 55 mph, while one gun showed he was only doing 30 mph and another 65, and another 85.
Turns out it had to do with all the antennas on my car. On the back I had co-phased 102 inch whips 3 on each side for a total of six of those antennas on the back of the car. A 6 meter halo, plus all the VHF and UHF antenna's on the roof. Those big and tall co-phased antennas rocked back and forth, and the radar guns picked them up instead of the car. Since electrically rf speaking, they were bigger than my car, hi hi.
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Re: WWW Code For Sale as NFT

Post by yogi »

I don't know how you got the officers to participate in that experiment, but my question is why did they not arrest you for driving a vehicle that jammed their radar detectors? LOL That particular problem has been resolved, by the way. They now use laser light guns to measure the speed, and they are infinitely more accurate than RF detectors.

I already told you the story about my encounter with the Jo Daviess County Sheriff's Police back in Illinois where they patrolled the downside of a particularly steep hill. On any given day they could easily pick off 100 speeders going down that hill. They were pretty famous and even written up in the Chicago newspapers at one point. None of that stopped them and more interesting is that none of the motorists were particularly careful going through the infamous Jo Daviess County. There were many court cases involving that particular trap, but the law officers have it down to a science. A patrol car was parked at the bottom of the hill with his speed gun taking readings. In the opposite lane was a moving patrol car with his laser gun measuring the speed. In other words they literally have you coming and going. The moving officer makes a U-turn across the center median strip to nab the law breaking motorist and issues a citation which frequently is in the range of reckless driving (20 mph over the limit) due to the natural increase in speed going down that hill. It's pretty hard to argue against two officers making the same measurement but a lot of people did because reckless driving can revoke your license to drive.

By far the drivers here in Missouri are more sane than those in Illinois. Nobody here drives at the limit but they seldom go more than 5 mph over. Multiply that by 3 or 4 in Illinois. They also seem to be more courteous here in Missouri. The people here seem to know the difference between the brake pedal and the horn. The latter is preferred up north.
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Re: WWW Code For Sale as NFT

Post by Kellemora »

I was in good with most of the county and state police, mainly because we had so many municipal police working for us as drivers on their off days. If I needed something, I just asked one, and he would send me over to the state or county.

There was nothing illegal about my vehicle, and it didn't jamb their radar, their radar guns were picking up my antennas waving back and forth is all.
The state highway patrol is where you went if you modified a vehicle and wanted to see if it would pass inspection, or to get a ho-made trailer approved for road use. Things like that. You gotta remember, back in the day when we were using oversized rear tires and reversed wheels and smaller front tires and wheels on our muscle cars. Plus you see a lot of custom cars and such too.
You put wider tires on the back, along with reversed wheels you often had to install fender extensions if you wanted the car to pass inspection.
There were a lot of tricks we did to get vehicles to pass an inspection, but a few of them wouldn't hold water. For example: I had all of my windows on one truck tinted so they were like sunglasses from the inside, and mirrors on the outside, except the front window. Now in Missouri you were not allowed to have tinted side windows for the driver or passenger. But the way the law was written, we could roll down the windows and take the handle off so the inspector couldn't roll up the window. They had to pass it that way because the law read "There shall be nothing to the right or left of the drivers line of vision." or some such wording.
If you had reversed wheels, you had better have those fender extensions. Putting on normal wheels for the inspection and then changing them back to full-reversed wheels after the inspection is considered a modification to the car.
So the cops could still nail you, hi hi.
Apparently we don't have any similar law like that down here, because there are tons of cars and trucks with no fenders over their wheels. Historic vehicles can get by with that back home, but not normal cars and trucks.

We have several places like that here too. It is not uncommon to see folks doing 20 mph over the speed limit around here. And about the only time they do get caught is if they are in one of the major trap zones.

Back home, only about 1% or fewer cops were crooked cops. Down here, more than half of them are as crooked as a dogs hind leg. And I don't think a single one thinks any of the laws applies to them. Nor to any of the higher ups either.
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Re: WWW Code For Sale as NFT

Post by yogi »

I never owned a commercial vehicle so that I never had to have mine inspected by the state of Illinois DMV. It makes sense that a vehicle would need to be approved if modifications are made to it. I have to get my cars examined every two years down here in Missouri, which was not required in Illinois, but they are not looking for modifications when I get the check done. I think I like the idea of all automobiles being required to meet some minimum standards. If there were no laws requiring it, most people would ignore it. There were a lot of unsafe cars where I used to live.

Well, I'm still impressed that the police let you get away with attachments to your car which would mess up their radar. You truly didn't affect the functionality of their equipment, but you did cause it to read incorrectly. That's a pretty gray area and I don't know how I'd decide it if I were the judge. LOL

I do my best to keep a low profile. There are enough stories about crooked cops to make me want to be very cautious. A lot of them do get obsessed with the "power" they have and act as if they are above the law. They are not, of course, but who is going to stop them?
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Re: WWW Code For Sale as NFT

Post by Kellemora »

It is not illegal to have antenna's on a car. But it can cause false readings if their radar gun is picking up on the antenna's instead of the car.

One thing I like about Des Peres and Town n Country, was the cops would police themselves, and put a stop to cop going rogue. At least back when we were living there. Several of the municipalities had the three strikes rule, and any cop caught breaking the law by three different people at three different times, and it could be verified, they got fired.
I used to wonder where they went to get a job after that.
Found them all down here in Knoxville, hi hi.
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Re: WWW Code For Sale as NFT

Post by yogi »

I have no idea how many police departments self-regulate their personnel. The Chicago police had a department of Internal Affairs which was supposed to be more or less independent. They investigated any misdeeds within the department and in some cases officers were reprimanded or terminated depending on the severity of the infraction. A lot of people wondered if a police department could fairly police themselves. For the most part we never heard about what they did unless it was also newsworthy.

There were two guys I recall from my grammar school experience who were the bullies of the class. The nuns were pretty strict but they couldn't control anything happening outside of school. These two guys got into trouble with the law and I lost track of them during my high school days. Then, twenty five years later there was a class reunion. Everyone contributed a biography regarding what they have been doing since grammar school. Both those bullies were Chicago Policemen. LOL

I've lived in several cities and villages after I left Chicago but never heard about their local police department's internal affairs investigators. That didn't mean there were none. I just never heard about them.
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Re: WWW Code For Sale as NFT

Post by Kellemora »

We had a town by the name of Marlborough. It was south of Kirkwood and west of Crestwood, on the new Route 66.
You could not go through their town on any street other than Route 66 without getting a ticket for something, and usually it was something made up.
It got to be so bad, that even the county was warning folks about the town, but the county couldn't do anything about them.
It finally took the State to come in and clean the place up and shut down their police department and turn services back over to the county. Many of the higher up cops there ended up in jail, and we all applauded the State for cleaning up the mess.

All of our Des Peres police were nice and friendly, but if you broke the law, you would get a ticket, hi hi.
They hated enforcing some of the new laws the new administration came up with, because it really didn't have much to do with safety, just pet peeves of some of the big shots in office. Like temporary paper signs in store windows, like a sale this week on blah de blah. Once the new administration took over, in order to put up a paper sign, you had to go get a permit that stated the day it would go up, and the day it would come down, and if you didn't take it down that day, the cops had to write you a ticket and you had to go pay a fine. You even had to have a permit for a little door sign that said Open on one side and Closed on the other. Yeah it got that bad after they took over!
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Re: WWW Code For Sale as NFT

Post by yogi »

Marlborough. I think they named a cigarette after that place. Or, maybe it was some other Marlborough. LOL

Your story about the town administration is interesting. There are articles and books written about some of the odd ball laws that are still on the books. A lot of them do indeed relate to some pet peeve that might have been valid for about a week or two when the law was passed. While the laws appear insane, the truth is that many of them are due to people acting stupid. Some laws were put on the books to protect those stupid ones. It amazes me to no end, especially here with the HOA police, how some people can't seem to get along without being supervised. In many cases the laws and regulations are dumb because the people they apply to are also dumb. I realize there are corrupt people in power and that they too add to the chaos found in local laws. But in just about every case those power mongers were elected to office, or appointed by people who where elected. Since the regular citizens do the voting, it's all a reflection upon them.
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Re: WWW Code For Sale as NFT

Post by Kellemora »

I used to have a list around here of some of the strangest laws in various states around the country.
Some of them were downright hilarious!
After some states became the butt end of several jokes, they rescinded all laws prior to like 1940, hi hi.
Things like, it was illegal to bring a goat into church on Sunday.
Or when a woman is driving a car, a man must be walking or running in front of the car waving a red flag, hi hi.
There was one about a collapsible top-hat could not be worn upside down while collapsed in a Synagogue.

We had one in Des Peres for a couple of years. All new signs had to have colonial pillars on each side of the sign holding the sign. Many companies complied with that on their roadside signs.
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