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Long time, no post...

Posted: 29 Mar 2017, 18:45
by brandtrn
...and really, no excuse for it, except that I've had nothing interesting to say. Have been off work these past six weeks, due to a broken left foot (the foot was fractured in 3 different places) and sacrum, and a badly sprained right ankle sustained in a ground-level fall in mid-February. Have been completely cooped up, 24/7 (except for Doc appointments, and the few times that my brother has taken pity on me and had me over to his house to hang out for the evening), in the house with my retired husband, who has scarcely left my side. Since I tend to have what little "peace and quiet" time I DO have while at work, these weeks have been frustrating. At 55, I'd normally have been too young to have sustained fractures from a ground-level fall, but I've found that chemo-induced osteoporosis is a real bitch! Am now on meds for the osteoporosis, along with my regular meds.

But the good news is this! My repeat x-rays show that I'm healing well, without complications. While the sprained right ankle is still giving me pain and remains a bit unstable, Doc is convinced that it can be strengthened with physical therapy. The broken left foot is giving me no pain whatsoever. Finally, after all these weeks, I've been cleared to return to work, beginning next week, without restriction! I'm so relieved, because when I haven't been irritated, I've been bored as Hell! So, lucky me...I may eventually have another "work rant" composed within the next few weeks. Not much else to say. As I previously indicated, I've been boring as Hell, recently. Hopefully, that's about to change :loveu:

Re: Long time, no post...

Posted: 29 Mar 2017, 19:31
by yogi
It's really great to see some words from you, Cindy, be they rants or ramblings from a bored soul. While we do enjoy reading about your adventures in the healthcare industry, it's obvious that your interests are not confined to your career alone. We specialize in chatting about nothing here. It's a great place to come and share your boredom. One of the good things about our content is that we don't seem to have any trolls. In fact we don't have too many regular visitors of any kind these days. A few words from a disabled nurse would always be welcome.

Recovering from chemo is probably more difficult than recovering from the cancer it is supposedly treating. My wife is finishing her 5th (and last) year of treatment for breast cancer. She is on hormone therapy which aggravates the arthritis in her leg that has a rod and some screws in it. Apparently the ankle joint lost whatever natural lubricant it has and now it's bone grinding on bone. Hopefully the custom made ankle support will get her though well enough because the only other alternative is a bone fusion. The hardware implanted into her leg would make an ankle replacement difficult, not to mention the 12 month recovery time.

People just fall apart when they get old. Stay young my friend. :mrgreen:

Re: Long time, no post...

Posted: 30 Mar 2017, 23:59
by pilvikki
oh cindy, that sounds like nightmare! yes, we used to have bags on candies, now it's pills, most of which create their own problems. :rolleyes:

and what's with the tootsies, my friend in sweden had a coworker run over his foot and now he needs pins to keep it together. rude!

hope it heals soon!

meanwhile, how are the puppies?

Re: Long time, no post...

Posted: 31 Mar 2017, 05:09
by brandtrn
The babies are spoiled rotten, as always. Getting even more spoiled now that Momma has been home constantly. They're in for a rude awakening when I get back to work :lol:

Re: Long time, no post...

Posted: 31 Mar 2017, 10:32
by pilvikki
i'm sure they'd understand...

