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squeaki's 12.

Posted: 12 Mar 2017, 01:05
by pilvikki
where has the time gone? my wee buckling is getting so big... and when I asked what she wanted to do for her b-day, she said she'd like to go walk on the beach. um. ok. but the beach is an hour's drive to and my back wasn't feeling up to it, so we settled for walk along the canal and then by these tiny lakes.

the trees are blooming like crazy, it was 22/72° and sunny.


it was a truly lovely day!


the shots are off my phone, so not the best in composition....

Re: squeaki's 12.

Posted: 12 Mar 2017, 12:33
by yogi
The bottom picture is epic and could have been shot by a pro. You are being way to humble about composition there.

Is it just me, or was there a time when we were buddies and there was not Squeaks yet :question:
It is indeed hard to believe she is so old.

Re: squeaki's 12.

Posted: 12 Mar 2017, 22:18
by pilvikki
why thank you, sir! :redface:

yes, squeaki was 2005. and we've been hanging since the last century, I believe....

Re: squeaki's 12.

Posted: 13 Mar 2017, 04:47
by yogi
Hard to believe. They don't make web sites like UED anymore. Thank goodness. :mrgreen:

Re: squeaki's 12.

Posted: 13 Mar 2017, 12:52
by pilvikki
no kidding!

just wondering how long before fb will implode... didi is storing all her photos on it and seems to think the place is immortal. good luck with that! I find it useful to bounce photos off, rather than having to upload them to photobucket, unless I want to store them there.

Re: squeaki's 12.

Posted: 13 Mar 2017, 15:41
by yogi
They say Facebook is too big to fail. There might be some truth to that. My Space is still around, for example. I think once Zukerberg cashes in his chips and hands off operations to the heir apparent that will be the downfall of Facebook. That's what happened to Microsoft and Apple when their founders left. They are all still around but not what they used to be.

You are right about the free photo storage space, but as you must know by now nothing is truly free on the Internet. All those photos you put up there are Facebook's property and are being analyzed to profile you in their massive databases. Most people don't care about that kind of thing but it's a major reason I don't hang out there more than I do.

Re: squeaki's 12.

Posted: 13 Mar 2017, 20:25
by pilvikki
meh. between didi's photos and the rest of their posts, there can be no secrets fb doesn't know about me. it's sodding irritating, but some people can't be told... mostly one's offspring.

Re: squeaki's 12.

Posted: 14 Mar 2017, 11:34
by yogi
Your offspring obviously have never been stalked, bullied, applied for a job, or put the right combination of words together to alert the government's intelligence gathering software to amass all that info they have on them. You make another good point. Even if you figure out how to delete your Facebook account, that does not mean all that information your friends, family, and partners of Facebook have will be deleted as well.

Re: squeaki's 12.

Posted: 14 Mar 2017, 15:22
by pilvikki
also, from what I've read, fb hangs onto every bit scrap ad infinitum. how it is able to do that, i've no idea, it sounds impossible, given just a day's traffic.

then there those people who will happily give up their entire page to find out what colour their soul/mood/weather is atm. I've bitched about it, but they could just as well be my offspring.

and no, they've never had any such problems, at least that I heard of. I, on the other hand befriended the wrong guy last year; had a hell of a time losing him. wasn't dangerous (I suppose), just unbelievable annoying and creepy.

still, that is not what bothers me the most: i'm using a daft nickname instead of my own name, but they have their names, birth dates, pictures of the kids AND name of the village where we live! there are 250 +- people here, how long would it take anyone to find us??? I have accidentally found a person's entire life in about 2 mins and I wasn't even looking for her!

but no.... nobody listens.


Re: squeaki's 12.

Posted: 14 Mar 2017, 20:23
by yogi
I guess privacy is a thing of the past in today's Internet. I really don't care if other people are blase about their personal security, but it does bother me that they can and do spread my details around with abandon. Like yourself I keep a semi-realistic profile on Facebook, but that is only one of the ways they keep track of your whereabouts. I do what I can to stay below the noise level.

Re: squeaki's 12.

Posted: 14 Mar 2017, 23:14
by tomsk
aWWW she is adorable.. :loveu:
they grow so fast,
our eldest is 30 this year.... :eek:

yes, that second photo is epic, it's very calming... :clap:

Re: squeaki's 12.

Posted: 15 Mar 2017, 23:10
by pilvikki
and my eldest is likely older than you... she was 50 (!) in dec.

yeah... :yikes:

and thanks!

Re: squeaki's 12.

Posted: 15 Mar 2017, 23:27
by tomsk
I was 52 on the 2nd of ruddy March!
It's ok though....

Re: squeaki's 12.

Posted: 17 Mar 2017, 18:21
by pilvikki
well, pretty close, eh? :razz:

Re: squeaki's 12.

Posted: 25 Mar 2017, 04:38
by tomsk

:worry: :worry: :worry: :nana: :nana: :nana:
It's ok, I'm dealing with it... :liar: :liar: :liar: :bleh: :bleh: :bleh:
No really... :lol: :mrgreen: