It's the UK General Election

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It's the UK General Election

Post by tomsk »

Rolling it's way into Town, I will as usual will vote Labour as the best of a rotten bunch but :worry: U-KIP look popular :yikes: and today there has been yet another political cock -up this time from U-Kip , this shower must not get elected...please..

Re: It's the UK General Election

Post by Icey »

I don't agree. I'm beginning to see them as better than any of the alternatives. The other parties can't snigger at any mismanagement of money. People seem to forget about the massive personal expenses which were claimed and taken out of tax payer's money by both Labour and the Tories, and god forbid we get another "Cyril Smith" amongst the Labour lot.
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Re: It's the UK General Election

Post by pilvikki »

what on earth is u-kip?

Re: It's the UK General Election

Post by Icey »

It's the new UK Independence Party.
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Re: It's the UK General Election

Post by pilvikki »

well, they always start out well, so go for it!

Re: It's the UK General Election

Post by Icey »

There've been several smear campaigns already. The major parties might win the day, but UKIP's gaining momentum. Bound to be a few hiccups at first, but they surely can't be worse than what we've had to put up with - for several years.
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Re: It's the UK General Election

Post by tomsk »

BH a new party, wipe the slate clean, new attitude and now this shambles...
but then They all are... :rolleyes: :tiptoe: god help us..

Re: It's the UK General Election

Post by Icey »

Janice Atkinson stood for election as a Conservative candidate in 2010 - and lost. Wonder why?

Yes, there're good and bad apples everywhere, but Labour were the kingpins for having MPs making huge expenses claims. Remember the one who claimed for a KitKat and a potted plant? Didn't another one want money back for a toilet roll? Whatever - when fraud's fraud - it's fraud. Anyone found to be doing it should be kicked straight out, and on the money these people get just for turning up at meetings, why should they claim anything but their travelling expenses?
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Re: It's the UK General Election

Post by tomsk »

I've lost faith in all of them,
I think vIKKI would make a brilliant PM...

Re: It's the UK General Election

Post by Icey »

Unfortunately she couldn't even become an MP, since she's not a British citizen, but she'd certainly give them a run for their money!
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Re: It's the UK General Election

Post by AJRC »

Sorry, i voted conservative last election, so you can all blame me. :grin:

Won't let it happen again, Labour this time.

A party like ukip/bnp/national front (they're all the same). They always pop up in times of economic hardship, because it's always easier to blame immigrants than to actually think. Parties like ukip play on peoples fears with a lot of nationalistic rhetoric, and there are a lot of frightened people out there. But their manifesto doesn't clearly state how they'll implement anything. Ukip won't get into power any time soon, and if the economy continues to improve they'll go the way of the bnp.

Have a look at the history of Germany leading up to 1933, a party just after the economic crash promoting fear of communism and immigrants. A lesson from history?

Re: It's the UK General Election

Post by Icey »

I understand what you mean, but I don't agree that UKIP's anything like the BNP/National Front. Those're the sort of stories bandied around by the major parties who're terrified of being usurped.

It's about time we had a proper change in this country, and I don't believe the major players can offer it.

Coming out of Europe'd save billions. Those with business interests out there may not be happy, but they're in the minority in comparison to the rest of the population, and businesses's do well to look towards trading more with the US and other countries.

I don't like the thought of our Forces being slashed. It's bad enough that police stations're closing around us. Even some of the Tories've admitted that we couldn't defend ourselves properly if it came to the worst scenario, so where's the sense in making cuts for something that's extremely important to national security?

I might not be as knowledgeable about politics as yourself. I was brought up in a Conservative household, but've seen how ordinary people've suffered under them. One of the worst things is our debt crisis. Who created it in the first place, and yet Joe Bloggs's expected to tighten his belt even further, to pay for what his taxes paid for in the first place. The money was badly managed. Blame the banks, the government - does it matter? The fact remains that austerity measures've caused enormous grief for many folk, and continue to do so.

UKIP want to cut foreign aid - and I agree. Most of it doesn't benefit the ordinary people of the countries it goes to. For an island of our size, we send an eye-watering amount of money. Think how many houses that'd build, nurses it'd pay - wherever it'd be most needed HERE. It's sent, not out of the goodness of our government's heart, but because there's always something in it for them. You scratch my back ... it's all too familiar.

I'm not saying that I'll vote for Farage's lot, but I'll look further into their plans and might do. Otherwise, I might not vote at all. It doesn't really matter, since there's no "better of the two evils", and after speaking to a member of the Lib Dems not so long ago, there's NO way they'd be on my list.
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Re: It's the UK General Election

Post by AJRC »

Ukip are a far right party with no clue as to how to run the country, if you think they're any better than any other party then you don't understand politicians. As soon as their lips move you know they're lying.

All they've done is say things like, don't like foreigners then vote for us, don't like the banks then vote for us. They're using fear and ignorance to promote themselves, just as the BNP did.

I agree, our three main parties are not up to the job. Voting seems to be all about choosing the lesser of three evils. But it's not ukip that's the threat, they don't stand a chance, it's voter apathy. My eldest couldn't care less, and a lot of his generation feel the same. None of the parties have connected with them, if anything they've put off a lot of young people. All three parties need to start connecting with the ordinary voter, and stop rewarding the super rich and start helping the people who are being forced to use food banks. If the three main parties started helping the working class then ukip would disappear, and i mean really help them, not just help them when there's an election.

Coming out of Europe will only hurt us. A lot of the people who want us out of Europe don't really understand what it means, they just don't want foreigners with a say in how we do things.

I agree, we've cut our Armed Forces enough.

What i want to know is why we haven't done anything about the banks, they got us into this mess in the first place but people would rather blame foreigners or another party before they blame the banks. The banks have done a very good job of this, helped obviously by the politicians they have in their back pocket. Will ukip do anything about the banks, no, they're in bed with them just as much as any other politician.

Maybe we do need a change, but ukip isn't it. As i said Germany wanted a change and elected a far right party, and they made a right mess.

Re: It's the UK General Election

Post by Icey »

Hi AJ. I fully appreciate your views, but all this talk of if you don't like foreigners, then vote for UKIP's going a bit OTT.

As far as I can make out (could be wrong), UKIP aren't against immigration per se. They're not about to throw them all out, especially those who've established themselves and been here for years, but what they DO say, is that all this talk of putting a cap on it's unworkable, so they'd make stricter rules on allowing people in, forcing many applications to be withdrawn. I have to agree with this. The immigration system's in chaos, and uncontrollable as things stand.

Most people (whether working class or not, and I hate clichés), agree that enough's enough. If someone can come over here with the money to house themselves, have a checkable job to go to, speak enough of our language so as not to need the services of costly interpreters and intend to live by the laws of our country, then fair enough, but thousands don't. Criminal gangs make sure that these people get in - for a price - and it's these who should be clamped down on. I'd seriously deport anyone immediately who didn't play by the rules, but all this "human rights" bilge prevents much of that from being done.

I'd say that it's a fair comment to suggest that folk don't want other foreigners to tell us how to run things. We DON'T. We'd save billions by not sending money to Brussels, plus - what's good for one, should be good for the other, but it doesn't work like that. Certain things're allowed over there which aren't here, and basically, I feel we're being dictated to by folk who wouldn't like it if the boot was on the other foot.

I agree that politicians lie - they ALL do (or shall I say "mis-lead"?) when it suits, but people aren't as stupid as they'd like to believe. We can all see through the rubbish that they sometimes spout, but no one does anything about it, and this's why I think new parties should be given a chance. The whole system's in decline, and there doesn't seem to be a single person who can persuade the ministers to stop and take a long hard look. During parliamentary sessions, those who've bothered to turn up often nod off. Considering what they're paid to represent us (laugh), you'd expect them to at least show some genuine interest, but they all sit together like nodding dogs, not really seeming to care what's happening, because at the end of the day, they're "alright Jack".

You're quite right. I don't understand enough to perhaps make any statements like these, but I'm speaking from what I see, and although I can sit quite comfortably, I don't like what I see's happening to our country, and many people feel the same way. The future for the next few generations looks quite bleak. I was reading today that people're having more money to spend, and that the job situation's improving. I'd like to see those that don't fall into that category being able to show the ministers exactly what it's really like. Yes, more companies're advertising for workers again, but many of these jobs're part-time, which offers no one any status. How do these people get on the property ladder when they're maybe working 16-20 hours a week on a minimum wage? Impossible. How are all these people, especially youngsters, expected to even rent a place of their own? A multitude of houses're standing derelict and vacant. These could be turned into homes instead of building on disgusting brownfield sites - or worse - on greenbelt. The planners sometimes don't seem to have a clue.

A friend of mine lives in a lovely village where it's been proposed that a new major road's going to be constructed, which'll mean a drop in value of the properties close by. There're already 2 existing roads which allow traffic to go to the designated point they want this road to come out at, but say that another one'll ease congestion. Meanwhile, fields close by've been earmarked for industrial and housing projects, so the congestion'll get no better, and the extra road'll really serve no great purpose except to cause more pollution, noise and the spoiling of some farm and private land.

To get back to voting - I really don't know, but think that a radical change's in order.
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Re: It's the UK General Election

Post by tomsk »

The no show of Cameron in the recent party debate makes him look like a bottler/ coward,
Why no show DAVE?

Re: It's the UK General Election

Post by Icey »

None of them like to be fed questions that they haven't had time to scrutinise and get an answer ready for. It's about time we had parties who wouldn't mind being asked the tricky questions - and who wouldn't try to skirt round the issues. Cameron's good at that - as they all appear adept at, really.

Better, in my opinion, to say: "Good point. We can't answer that until we've looked at things more closely" - or simply a: "I don't know". At least it'd come over as more sincere, rather than trying to ignore or talk their way out of the things which the voters really want to know about. None of them have any backbone, and this's one of the problems. We need a strong, firm leader who looks after everyone in the UK, not just their own; someone who says, OK., we might have to raise taxes slightly or not give away as much as we've been doing for years, but we need to reinforce our defence and bring the entire structure of the UK back to an acceptable level.

People on benefits've been made the scapegoat, especially those unfortunate enough to have disabilities. The media's so full of stories about scroungers, that it's almost become respectable to blame these "workshy" groups and for folk to moan about their hard-earnt taxes going to fund their lifestyles. What they don't seem to realise is that their taxes're also wasted on government initiatives, which help the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer, forcing ill and disadvantaged people into twopenny-halfpenny jobs which're scarcely worth getting up for.

We need an emphasis on really good education, but the system keeps changing as more "bright" stupid ideas enter the ministers heads, and what's wrong with building factories so that we can produce more home-grown products and not have to rely so much on imports? Imports maybe cheaper, and bring in more profit for the business owners, but there comes a time when prices'll get too high for the consumer and cause even more misery. I don't see an end to it unless we get someone with clear vision who can deliver what he/she promises.