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Best Hacking Tools of 2016

Posted: 31 Jan 2016, 13:01
by yogi
We here at Brainformation Forums do not support or advocate malicious use of any software. Having said that, we are also aware of what is going on in the real world. There are legitimate business who get paid to penetrate (hack) large networks to discover their vulnerability. Of course the less than legitimate minded people can use the same tools for nefarious purposes. The tools require only a small amount of technical knowledge in most cases, but the incredible (to me) part of it all is how readily available these tools are.

You may not understand much about the tools, but reading the article will give you some idea of what your local geek-turned-hacker can do. Put these tools in the hands of somebody who is only half knowledgeable and you got some serious trouble. And, if government sponsored agencies are using these things, may the lords help us.

BEST OF 2016 ... x-mac-osx/

Re: Best Hacking Tools of 2016

Posted: 31 Jan 2016, 16:07
by Icey
Gulp. I've seen those type of windows with a black background before, but I wouldn't know where to begin with any of the information given. With my absence of knowledge, I suppose I'd be deemed as serious trouble then, or maybe complete trouble! : )

I don't think anyone has anything to fear from me! : )

Re: Best Hacking Tools of 2016

Posted: 31 Jan 2016, 16:19
by Kellemora
A company my son is involved with, hired some hacker dude who spends most of the day looking for problem areas in their nationwide system. He does not have access to their system so cannot fix any of the problems, and my son thinks he wouldn't know how to fix anything anyhow, just ways of getting in where he shouldn't. He only reports what he finds to the IT department.

What is most interesting about what he does, is he does not go after the system itself. Most of the ways he finds to get into their system is by hacking into one of their users laptop computers, and getting in on an already logged in account.
Somehow he can find out who is connected to the system, and then select a person to go after to hack, and from their account gain access into the system.

The IT department does what any other IT department does, and tries to secure the log-in so outsiders cannot see who is logged in. But this is only the tip of the iceberg so to speak. He will find another way in, and keeps the IT department hopping. He's also paid really good for not even having a GED, hi hi... Sorta sad in a way!

Re: Best Hacking Tools of 2016

Posted: 31 Jan 2016, 16:27
by Kellemora
Technology left me in the dust Icey!

Way back in the early days of computing, shortly after 5-1/4 floppies appeared on the scene. Several bought programs began using a technique called Spiraling to keep their disks from being copied.
We did not yet have hard drives and had to work from the disks themselves, and nobody wanted to use the original disks, so we made copies. The Spiraling was intended to prevent this.

I knew just enough about computers to crack these early security measures, and could also get Apple computers to do things they were not intended to do.
A software company known as Beagle Bros, after seeing some of my tricks, actually offered me a job. I was not interested in moving so turned them down. They did offer to buy some of my tricks, and afterward I would send them new things I figured out, and they would send me a check, sometimes small, under 50 bucks, and sometimes fairly large, around 4 or 5 hundred bucks.
But then technology zoomed ahead faster than I could keep up with it.
I tried to keep up, and spent a bunch of money on Compiling Tools, such as Mickey$ofts Macro Assembler, after I moved over to PCs. I never got a single line of code to compile properly, and little kids knew 100 times more than I did, so I just gave up and became a computer user. I'm still lost in the jungle, hi hi...

Re: Best Hacking Tools of 2016

Posted: 31 Jan 2016, 17:05
by Icey
But you're much, much better than I am Gary! My "feats've" only been completed thanks to instructions from Yogi, but I'm still hopeless when left on my own.

We have a techie friend whose job it is to protect very important data and systems. He devises the programmes to ensure as much security as possible, and sure does it well. These programmes sell here and abroad for a lot of money. Hacking's not much of a problem at all to him, but he prefers to work on the right side of the law as he enjoys the challenge of preventing hackers from doing something naughty. This's ongoing though. As soon as a new and better way's developed, the hackers're equally as busy, so it really IS an all-consuming job. He's thinking of branching out into the gaming world, having already devised a game which'll work on phones. He says it'll be less time-consuming than his present work, although he'll never give it up completely - partly due to the lucrative aspect of it.

I think that if someone has an interest in this area, then it's fascinating, but I couldn't possibly enjoy it myself. : (

Re: Best Hacking Tools of 2016

Posted: 31 Jan 2016, 19:31
by pilvikki
my nephew is a security something specialist... his office looks like the space station...

and here's me, having to print out the shortest directions to anything at all. and still loki just snorts at me and does whatever he feels like.

Re: Best Hacking Tools of 2016

Posted: 31 Jan 2016, 23:10
by Icey
Mine's basically the same, but of course, I know that most problems are my fault. : (

Re: Best Hacking Tools of 2016

Posted: 01 Feb 2016, 01:36
by yogi
I have a Linux operating system (Kali) that is designed to perform penetration testing. Most of the tools on the article's list are part of the Kali. I've looked into a couple tools and found one or two actually useful for testing my own home network. If I had it to do all over again, I'd do what Gary and Icey are talking about with their friends. I'd get into the forensic and penetration testing aspect of IT and specialize in that. It's incredibly complex these days and that's the kind of stuff that stimulates my mind. The point of bringing up the article is to show how easy it is to get the tools. There is no secret about them. Getting to know how to use them is a bit more challenging, however.

Re: Best Hacking Tools of 2016

Posted: 01 Feb 2016, 18:27
by Icey
I'd be completely flummoxed. I'd love to be able to hack, just to say that I could do it, but even if I could, I don't think I would. It wouldn't be for any malicious purpose, but someone might think differently. After all, hackers're trying to access stuff that's really none of their business. It's very sophisticated these days, but actually doesn't take long to do if you know what you're on with.
When I had bank card details stolen - and used - our techie friend hacked straight back at the perpetrators after putting a trace on them. He found out where they were, and after some tweaking, showed me that they were trying to get in again as we watched. I didn't understand any of it, but it was fascinating. It gave our friend great satisfaction to make their job a little more difficult, and apart from a couple of attempts which led them to nowhere, there's been nothing since. It must be great to have a mind which grasps these things - for bad or for good - but it showed me what a widespread operation hacking really is, and a lucrative one as well.

Re: Best Hacking Tools of 2016

Posted: 02 Feb 2016, 20:11
by Kellemora
Can't say I was a hacker, but eons ago, long before low orbit satellite TV, I had a Big Dish.
It wasn't one of the fanciest with all the alignment motors on it. It did have two motors, but if I wanted to watch on another satellite, I had to go outside, in the snow and freezing rain, to move the dish manually to the coordinates for that satellite.
This was great for about three or four years, then all the stations began locking their signals, so home satellite systems couldn't see them, unless we paid a fee for each feed.
I had a friend who worked for a small cable company, and he would give me the weekly code list for the stations. The code only worked on a few of the stations, because I didn't have the decoder boxes the stations used.
After about a year, none of the codes worked without a coder box with a special chip in them.
Didn't much matter, by then Qube Cable ran their twin-cable interactive service down our street and I could finally connect to Cable TV. At that time Cable TV was commercial free TV, which lasted about as long as an ice cube in that proverbial hot spot.
Once again my friend pulled through for me, and flipped some switches somewhere at the station which gave me all the premium channels for close to two years before somebody caught it and flipped them all off again. He had moved on to a bigger company so could not flip them back again, hi hi...

Re: Best Hacking Tools of 2016

Posted: 02 Feb 2016, 22:16
by Icey
LOL! Very handy for you Gary!

Re: Best Hacking Tools of 2016

Posted: 03 Feb 2016, 17:03
by Kellemora
Sometimes you just have to laugh at someone who keeps doing the same thing and expecting different results.

I have a UPS account, and it is not uncommon for me to get PHISHING e-mails with an exact duplicate of their message screen. I roll over the links and it shows some really strange URLs it will send me to if I click on it.
Needless to say, I never click on a link from an e-mail. If I am unsure if the e-mail is valid, I will go to the site myself and check. I also get these from various banks, most of which I do not have accounts with.

My neighbor (although she knows her bank does not send transaction notices via e-mail), every single time she gets one of these PHISHING e-mails, the first thing she does is click on the link to check if it was from her bank or not.
A few times she has actually entered her account information in the boxes on the form she was taken to.
Lucky for her, the bank is aware of a few of these scams and did not transfer the funds requested.
She must have picked up some malware, because her computer is now mailing out garbage to everyone on her list, me included.

I've seen the little Geek Squad car in her driveway at least once every other month, sometimes more often, trying to straighten out her computer. They are wising up and locking out links to places not in a check file they installed, hi hi...

Re: Best Hacking Tools of 2016

Posted: 04 Feb 2016, 14:21
by yogi
From time to time the admin/webmaster e-mail accounts here receive mail from people other than members. It's annoying junk mail, but one time the sender apparently was a n00bie at it. They left information in the message regarding the program used to harvest e-mail addresses and automatically send out their junk. I did a little research and discovered the company is promoting their software as business marketing. They have no qualms about the methods they use to harvest new e-mail leads, which basically is to capture your contact list and send messages to those people. The assumption is that anyone on your contact list is a legitimate e-mail account. Apparently people who use Office Outlook and Hotmail are the easiest targets for harvesting. I don't recall the name of the company or it's software, but they are thriving off small business owners who find a use for that type of phishing.

As far as hacking cable broadcasts go, it's been a favorite pastime of television addicts for many years. No matter how you justify it, getting something you did not pay for is theft. The kind of hacks being presented in the article are much more sophisticated than breaking coded video streams. Nobody really cares about that kind of thing these days other than RIAA.

Re: Best Hacking Tools of 2016

Posted: 04 Feb 2016, 15:49
by Kellemora
Hi Yogi
I don't watch TV, unless the frau pre-recorded something she thought I should see.
I'm not sure if they still do, but all of our local Broadcast stations provide streaming video you can watch through a computer if you log-in to their station.
After all, they are transmitting over the public airwaves to antenna TVs at no charge.
I used to get a news channel which I liked, but they sold out to a larger outfit and are now just like TV news, not worth watching.

I will agree with you about hacking into a Cable, which is privately owned property.

I will disagree with you when we are talking about signals sent over the public airwaves, and so will most courts of law.

Take the Scanner Issue from back when they could copy cell phones. The law enacted did not make it illegal to receive a cell phone call, it only made it illegal for manufactures of consumer products with those capabilities to sell them unlocked to unlicensed buyers. It was up to the cell phone companies to encrypt or alter the transmissions from cell phones to increase security.

The same applied to the Big Dish Satellite transmissions. They use the public airwaves, and anyone with the equipment to receive their signals can do so unrestricted. So they added their own encryption methods.
The content is copyrighted of course, so you cannot receive it and retransmit it on an unsecured channel or you will end up in jail, hi hi...
I assume the same thing applies to Low Orbit Satellites since they also use the public airwaves.

Back to the Cable, and the old analog days. A small dish pointed at a leaky connection box, can pick up the stray signals leaking from this box. Since there is no physical connection to the cable, and you are only intercepting the RF they are leaking into the air (which they are not supposed to let happen), you can receive the airborne signal.

If you live near enough to high tension power lines, it is possible to pick up enough magnetic energy emanating from those power lines to light a fluorescent lamp, or with some receiving coils, use some of that airborne energy to run low power devices or even charge batteries.
The same principle applies, if it's in the air on your own property, you can use it as you see fit.

It is impossible to stop it from raining on your own property, unless you build a cover over your entire property, and even then, the runoff will have to be dealt with. Most folks want the rain to land on their property.
Some cities try to make it illegal to use the rain that lands on your property, and some even get by with enforcing such ridiculous laws. But they can see the water! They can't see the radio waves flying around on your property!